
Submissions from 2014

LAA Closure: The Challenges of Complex Anatomy, Ramon Quesada

LAA Closure: What Is the Evidence?, Ramon Quesada

Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation, Case Studies, Francisco Javier Jimenez-Carcamo

Liquid Embolic Agents in the Treatment of Cranio-Facial AVMs and AVFs: Techniques and Results, Guilherme Dabus

Liver Ablation, Shaun Samuels

Long Acting Local Anesthesia for Inguinal Hernia Repair with Bupivacaine Liposome Injectable Suspension (Exparel®), Jerrold Young

Making Facelifts Obsolete?, Shevanti Manjula Jegasothy

Managing the Difficult Refractive IOL Patient, Carlos Buznego

Masters’ Opinion: Splenic Aneurysms: Embolization of Parent Vessel is Excellent, James Benenati

Masters’ Speak: Early Disease, Good Performance Status and Focal Lesion - Ablation, Shaun Samuels


Measuring perceptions of shared governance in clinical practice: psychometric testing of the RN-focused Index of Professional Governance (IPNG), Julie Lamoureux

Measuring the Value of Radiology in a Post Volume World, Ricardo Cury

Medico-Legal Consequences of Hernia Surgery Guidelines, Jerrold Young

Methodology for Management of Lower Extremity Wound Dehiscence, Jason Hanft

Microcatheter Choices and Compatibility for Coil Delivery, James Benenati

My Unlimited Health Potential: Short Term Effect of Participation in a Worksite Lifestyle Intervention Program on Significant Weight Loss and Eligibility Criteria for Bariatric Surgery Among High Risk Individuals, Lara Roberson, Ehimen Aneni, Sameer Shaharyar, Ebenezer Oni, Maribeth Rouseff, Thinh Tran, Henry Guzman, Sankalp Das, Doris Brown, Joann Santiago-Charles, Teresa Ochoa, Joseph Mora, Beatriz Castillo, Emir Veledar, Theodore Feldman, Arthur Agatston, Janisse Post, and Khurram Nasir

New Advances in Neurological Rehabilitation, Bradley Aiken

New Possibilities in Computed Tomography with Spectral Image and Volumetric CT, Ricardo Cury

New Technologies in Image-Guided PICC Insertion, James Benenati

Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in a Lean Population is Associated with Hypertension Independent of Metabolic Risk Factors, Adil Karim, Arthur Agatston, and Khurram Nasir

No Transplant Center, No Problem: Building IO in Private Practice, Shaun Samuels

Nurse Perceptions and Safety Practices of the Use of the Carpuject Pre-filled Cartridge Syringe System, Nada Wakim


Omega-3 Fatty Acid Blood Levels Clinical Significance Update, Khurram Nasir and Arthur Agatston

Oncology – Best of the Rest, Shaun Samuels


P-021 TREVO Stent-Retriever Acute Stroke (TRACK) Post-marketing Registry: Interim Revascularization and Clinical Outcome Results Compared to TREVO-2 and NASA Registry, Eugene Lin

P-025 Interventional Treatment of High Flow Craniofacial Vascular Malformations, Guilherme Dabus, Italo Linfante, Eugene Lin, and James Benenati

PAD, James Benenati


Patient Safety Organization Advances Patient Safety through Collaboration, Geri Schimmel and Gina Vogt

Patients' and families' perspective: What makes an extraordinary nurse in a patient and family centered care hospital? (2nd Place Winner!), Victoria McCue

Pearls for Laser Cataract Surgery, Carlos Buznego

Penumbra’s Secret for Endovascular Clot Management: Do We Finally Have the Solution for Arterial, Venous and PE Clot Management?, James Benenati

Picking the Right Tools – Balloons, Stents, Filters, Barry Katzen

Popliteal Artery Aneurysm Thrombolysis and Subsequent Treatment, Claudia Bonnett, Constantino Pena, Barry Katzen, and Heiko Uthoff

Potpourri of Pearls, James Benenati

Predictors of Poor Outcome in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patient After Successful Recanalization, Amy Starosciak, Italo Linfante, Gail Walker, Eugene Lin, and Guilherme Dabus


Predictors of radiotherapy-related GI toxicity from anal cancer DP-IMRT: Secondary analysis of RTOG 0529, Andre Abitbol


Prognostic significance of calcified plaque among symptomatic patients with nonobstructive coronary artery disease, Ricardo Cury

Prolene Hernia System for Inguinal Hernia Repair: Patient Selection and Modification of Technique after 12,000 Cases, Jerrold Young

Pulmonary Hypertension in Left Heart Disease, Francisco Javier Jimenez-Carcamo

Radiology Survival: A New Paradigm Shift to Value Added Services, Ricardo Cury

Radiosurgery for Brain Metastases vs. Whole-Brain Radiation Update, Beatriz Amendola

Radiosurgery in Intracranial and Extracranial Schwannomas., Beatriz Amendola

Radiosurgery in Intracranial and Spine Shwannomas, Beatriz Amendola

Recent Clinical Trials Results on Acute Ischemic Stroke Intervention, Italo Linfante

Recent Developments in Cardiac CT, Ricardo Cury

Reducing Cost and Improving Utilization Associated with Friction Reducing Devices, Natalie Campaneria


Regadenoson-stress myocardial CT perfusion and single-photon emission CT: rationale, design, and acquisition methods of a prospective, multicenter, multivendor comparison, Ricardo Cury


Relation of thoracic aortic distensibility to left ventricular area (from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis [MESA]), Khurram Nasir

Resident in Training Program, James Benenati

Results of the Tahoe I and II Studies: Use of a Novel Biodegradable Implant to Treat Refluxing Great Saphenous Veins, Jose Almeida


Resurfacing, Jill Waibel

Retrospective Review of Carboplatin Dosing in a Community Hospital, Moe Shwin

Robotic Endovascular Intervention: Advantages, Opportunities and Predictions for its Broader Application, Constantino Pena

Robotic Procedures in Interventional Radiology, The Future of Interventional Radiology, Barry Katzen

Robotics for General Surgeons – Single Incision Robotic Surgery – Is It Worth It?, Anthony Gonzalez

Role And Importance Of Antecedent Blood Pressure In Predicting Outcomes In Cardiovascular Disease, Emir Veledar

Safe Patient Handling (SPH)- Reducing Injury to Patients and Healthcare Workers/Team, Christy Guzik-Creghton

Safe Transport of Telemetry Patients by ED RN's- Unintended Consequences, Marcia Schram

SFA Interventions: Who to Treat and How to Treat Them, James Benenati

Shared Governance Equals Shared Decision, Is it or Is it Not?, Rosalina Butao

SIM: Seriously in Motion – United in Patient Safety, Maria Lopez-Beecham and Geri Schimmel


Sim Wars, Maria Lopez-Beecham, Geri Schimmel, and Melody McNally

State of the Art 4 the Future of IR: Innovation, Subspecialty, i-Robot, Barry Katzen


Statin use is not associated with presence of and severity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, Ebenezer Oni, Pragya Sinha, Adil Karim, Arthur Agatston, and Khurram Nasir

Staying Active Improves Insulin Resistance Independent of the Metabolic Syndrome and Obesity, Ebenezer Oni, Arthur Agatston, and Khurram Nasir

Strategies to optimize the performance of Robotic-assisted laparoscopic hysterectomy, Nicholas Lambrou, Robert E Diaz, and Don Parris


Subclinical cardiovascular disease in plaque psoriasis: association or causal link?, Sameer Shaharyar, Shozab Ali, Adil Karim, Omar Jamal, Jonathan Fialkow, Ricardo Cury, and Khurram Nasir

Surgical Evaluation of the TAVR Patient, Lisardo Garcia-Covarrubias

Surgical, Laser and Other Treatments of Scars, Jill Waibel

Surviving Sepsis South Miami Project, Aimee Green-Blumstein

Technical Aspects on Alternative Access for TAVR Patients, Lisardo Garcia-Covarrubias

Technique Vignette: Vascular Access and Adjunct Pharmacotherapy Considerations, Ramon Quesada

The accuracy of predicting survival in individual patients with cancer, Manmeet Ahluwalia and Michael McDermott

The Clinical Integration Between Dentistry and Otolaryngology through Cone Beam CT, Frank Kronberg


The Effect of an Educational Intervention on the Knowledge and Management of PONV Among Anesthesia Providers: A Pilot Study, Eleazar Comprendio, Juan E. Ruan, Mohammad Zyed, Julie Lamoureux, and Feliciano Villalba

The Effect of an Educational Intervention on the Knowledge and Management of PONV Among Anesthesia Providers: A Pilot Study, Eleazar Comprendio, Juan E. Ruan, Mohammad Zyed, Julie Lamoureux, and Feliciano Villalba

The Future for Renal Denervation, Barry Katzen

The Future of Radiosurgery, Beatriz Amendola


The impact of template format on the completeness of surgical pathology reports, Andrew Renshaw and Edwin Gould


The Impact of the Change in Time for Performing Vital Signs, Murielle Pariente

The Importance of Brain Reserve: Measurement, Detection of Abnormalities and How to Preserve the Reserve, Kevin Abrams

The Laparoscopic Repair of Sports Hernias, David Edelman

The Role of Image Fusion in Aortic Procedures., Constantino Pena

Tips and Tricks for Complex MitraClip Cases, Ramon Quesada

TMJ Anatomy, Pathology, and Treatment Modalities, Shawn McClure

Top 10 Cosmeceuticals 2014, Shevanti Jegasothy

Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement: Review of Evidence, Ramon Quesada

Treatment of Complex Open Abdominal Wounds with Exposed Viscera using a Specialized Negative Pressure Device in the Acute Setting, Donna Byfield

Treatment Strategies for Endoleaks from Prevention to Treatment: Embolization, Endostaples, Chimney and Explant, James Benenati

Troponin Testing: A Comparison of Laboratory Automatic Troponin Versus POCT Testing for Validity, Adacilis Ramirez Sardi

Ultrasound of Contraception, Ann Podrasky

Use of Vascular Robotics for Vascular Interventional Procedures – What Is the Value Now and in the Future?, Ripal Gandhi

Vascular Quality Initiative Update, Jose Almeida

Vena Cava Filters: Indications, Long-Term Outcomes and Techniques, Constantino Pena

Venous Procedures in the Office Based Lab: How to Do it Cost Effectively, Jose Almeida

Venous Thromboembolic Disease II: Chronic Venous Occlusions, Constantino Pena

Visceral Aneurysm Interventions – Stents, Coils, Glue, and Stent Grafts – What Works Best and When?, Constantino Pena

Visceral Aneurysms, James Benenati

Visceral Artery Aneurysms: Treatment and Surveillance, Constantino Pena

What You Don't Know CAN Hurt Your Patient: Postpartum Urinary Retention, Teresita Delgado