Submissions from 2014
Balloon guide catheter improves revascularization and clinical outcomes with the Solitaire device: analysis of the North American Solitaire Acute Stroke Registry, Italo Linfante and Guilherme Dabus
Basic Technique of Transseptal Puncture, Ramon Quesada
Book Review: Advances in Surgical Pathology: Colorectal Carcinoma and Tumors of the Vermiform Appendix, Andrew Renshaw
Book Review: Diagnostic Histopathology of Tumors, Andrew Renshaw
Book: Small Doses of the Future - A Collection of Medical Science Fiction Stories, Bradley Aiken
Cardiac CT at the Forefront of Noninvasive Coronary Imaging: What Has 2013 Taught Us?, Ricardo Cury
Cardiac Rehabilitation Enrollment Barriers of the Post Percutaneous Coronary Intervention Patients, Tracy Pencar
Carotid and Subclavian Stenting Workshop, Guilherme Dabus
Carotid/Subclavian Stenting Case Show, James Benenati
Case-Based Endoleak, James Benenati
Case-based PAD/SFA Case Show, James Benenati
Case Selection for TAVR, Ramon Quesada
CLI: An Emerging Market, James Benenati
Clinical and Endovascular Approach to Acute Limb Ischemia, Ripal Gandhi
Clinical Experiences with the Magellan Robotic System, Constantino Pena
Clinical Indications of CTO Recanalization, Ramon Quesada
Clinically Significant Blood Pressure Reduction Among Participants of a Lifestyle Intervention Improvement Program Strongly Associated with Reduced Systemic Inflammation in a High Risk Working Population, Henry Guzman, Maribeth Rouseff, Thinh Tran, Khurram Nasir, Josette Bou-Khalil, Joseph Mora, Sankalp Das, Doris Brown, Joann Santiago-Charles, Teresa Ochoa, Cynthia Gilliam, Virginia Lehn, Ehimen Aneni, Ebenezer Oni, Lara Roberson, Emir Veledar, Janisse Post, and Beatriz Castillo
CLI: Update and New Techniques, Constantino Pena
Closing Comments, Jose Almeida
Comparing Diagnostic Tests Auto Versus POC Troponin, Adacilis Gonzalez and Shirley Phillip-Samuel
Complex Cases in Intracranial Intervention, Italo Linfante
Complex Endovascular and Combined Solutions for Critical Limb Ischemia., Barry Katzen
Controversies in TMJ Management and Related Surgeries, Joseph McCain
Cosmetic Controversies, Shevanti Manjula Jegasothy
Craniofacial Vascular Malformations, Guilherme Dabus
Critical Findings in Obstetrical Imaging, Ann Podrasky
CTA/MRA: When Do I Order These Tests, Which One and Why?, Constantino Pena
Current Endovascular Strategies for the Treatment of CLI, James Benenati
Current Paradigm of Managing Primary Chronic Venous Disease, Jose Almeida
Current Status of Drug-Eluting Balloons and Stents for CLI, Barry Katzen
Cushing’s Syndrome, Nick Zilieris
Dangerous Arterial Corrections in the Head and Neck: Avoiding Neurological Complications and the Judicious Use of Embolic Agents, Guilherme Dabus
Dealing with the Difficult Arch: Robotic-Guided Access for Carotid Artery Interventions, Barry Katzen
Dermatology in Trauma Rehabilitation, Jill Waibel
Diagnosis and Surgical Management of Temporomandibular Patients, Joseph McCain
Diagnosis and Surgical Management of the Temporomandibular Joint Patient, Joseph McCain
Direct Sac Approach to Type I and II Endoleaks, James Benenati
Dural AVF: Natural History and Treatment, Guilherme Dabus
Dural AVF Type III and IV: Natural History and Treatment, Guilherme Dabus
E-056 pipeline endovascular device for the treatment of intracranial aneurysm at the level of the circle of willis and beyond: multicenter experience, Italo Linfante and Guilherme Dabus
Educational Gaming to Reduce Medical Errors, Diane Vich
Effect of Pre-Existing Health and Illness Characteristics on Sepsis Responses and Outcomes, Donna Lee Armaignac
Effects of a Neutral Pressure Connector on Central Line Rate and Catheter Related Blood Stream Infections, Pam Sabatino-Holmes
Embolotherapy for Neuroendocrine Tumors: When Is the Right Time for Embolization? (Early, Asymptomatic vs. Symptomatic?), Shaun Samuels
Endoscopic Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Joseph McCain
Endovascular Approach on Acute Ischemic Stroke Intervention, Italo Linfante
Endovascular Treatment of Acute Limb Ischemia, James Benenati
Ergonomic Task Force: South Miami Hospital 4 East Tower Bridge Incline, Natalie Campaneria
Ethical Principles of Informed Consent: Exploring Nurses' Dual Role of Care Provider and Researcher, Tanya Cohn
Etiology of Surgical Wound Dehiscence in the Lower Extremity, Daniel Cairns and Jason Hanft
Evaluating Albumin Utilization in a Community-Based Hospital Post-Hetastarch Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Warning, Wilbert Fuerte, Frances Ordieres, and Judy Tseng
Evaluating the Sensitivity and Specificity of a Severe Sepsis Tool Utilized at a Community Hospital in Miami, Florida, Jorge Hirigoyen
Evaluating the Sensitivity and Specificity of the Severe Sepsis Tool Utilized at Baptist Hospital of Miami, Jorge Hirigoyen
Evaluation and Interventional Treatment of Pulmonary Embolism, Constantino Pena
Evaluation of Efficacy of the COPD AARC Pilot Patient Education Program in Hospitalized COPD Patients, Mikki Thompson
EVAR/TEVAR Endoleaks – Sac Puncture, James Benenati
Evolution of Balloon Angioplasty, Barry Katzen
Examining the Perceived Value of Certification and BSN Attainment, Maria Ojeda
Fetal MRI: Meeting the Challenge, Ann Podrasky
Flow Diversion in the Treatment of Cerebral Aneurysms: From Concept to Clinical Practice and Results, Guilherme Dabus
Flow Diversion Stents in Neurointerventions: Concept to Clinical Practice, Guilherme Dabus
Forging Successful Relationships in a Non Fee-for-Service Environment, Ricardo Cury
Fractional Devices, Jill Waibel
Glenoid fracture after arthroscopic Bankart repair: case series and biomechanical analysis, John Uribe and Gautam Yagnik
Golden Hour Delivery Room Management Update, Margarita Hernandez
Guide Catheter Selection and Manipulation from the Wrist, Ramon Quesada
Happy Skin: Prevention of Hospital Acquired Pressure Ulcers through a SKIN Bundle and Staff Text Reminders, Floralynn Lacrete
Headaches in athletes, Michael Swartzon
Hearing the Child's Voice: Their Lived Experience in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, Andrea Prentiss
Hemostasis & Radial Artery Occlusion, Ramon Quesada
How 1-Beat Comprehensive Cardiac Imaging Revolutionized Cardiac CT, Ricardo Cury
How to Convert Your Access to the Radial Approach, Ramon Quesada
Image of Acute PE – Acute PE Pre-Course, Constantino Pena
Impact of a Nurse-Driven Breastfeeding Educational Intervention on Maternal-Child Nurse Knowledge Gain and Patient Satisfaction in a Community Hospital, Shakira Henderson
Impact of coronary artery calcium on coronary heart disease events in individuals at the extremes of traditional risk factor burden: the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, Agatston Agatston and Khurram Nasir
Impact of Fellowship During Single-Incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy, Rey Romero, Radomir Kosanovik, Julie Lamoureux, and Anthony Gonzalez
Implementing the No One Dies Alone Program: Increase Comfort to Decrease Distress, Karol Harrelson
Implications of dose‐rounding intravenous chemotherapy at a community‐based hospital, Wilbert Fuerte, Omi Gopalani, and Judy Tseng
Implications of Post Operative Pain Management, Albert Ray
Improved Cardio-metabolic Risk Profile through Targeted Life Style Modification Program, Sankalp Das, Maribeth Rouseff, Thinh Tran, Khurram Nasir, Josette Bou-Khalil, Joseph Mora, Henry Guzman, Doris Brown, Joann Santiago-Charles, Teresa Ochoa, Cynthia Gilliam, Virginia Lehn, Beatriz Castillo, Ehimen Aneni, Lara Roberson, Emir Veledar, Ebenezer Oni, and Janisse Post
Improved Cardio-Metabolic Risk Profile through Targeted Life Style Modification Program, Sankalp Das, Maribeth Rouseff, Thinh Tran, Khurram Nasir, Josette Bou-Khalil, Joseph Mora, Henry Guzman, Doris Brown, Joann Santiago-Charles, Teresa Ochoa, Cynthia Gilliam, Virginia Lehn, Beatriz Castillo, Ehimen Aneni, Lara Roberson, Emir Veledar, Ebenezer Oni, and Janisse Post
Improving Identification of Early Signs of Deterioration: Project MITE, Jana Nesbit
Improving Safety and Efficacy: LAA Closure Step by Step, Ramon Quesada
Increased Aerobic Fitness is associated with Cardiometabolic Risk Reduction in a High Cardiovascular Disease Risk Occupational Cohort Independent of Significant Weight Loss, Ehimen Aneni, Ebenezer Oni, Lara Roberson, Maribeth Rouseff, Henry Guzman, Thinh Tran, Sankalp Das, Joann Santiago-Charles, Teresa Ochoa, Joseph Mora, Cynthia Gilliam, Virginia Lehn, Josette Bou-Khalil, Beatriz Castillo, Emir Veledar, Theodore Feldman, Arthur Agatston, Janisse Post, and Khurram Nasir
Increased Physical Fitness Is Associated with Greater Improvement in Cardiac Parasympathetic Function Among the Obese than Overweight or Normal Weight Individuals, Ehimen Aneni, Ebenezer Oni, Lara Roberson, Janisse Post, Arthur Agatston, Theodore Feldman, and Khurram Nasir
Increase in Physical Fitness after an Intensive 12-Week Healthy Lifestyle Workplace Intervention is Associated with Improvement in Heart Rate Profile Independent of Weight Changes or Traditional Metabolic Risk Factors, Ehimen Aneni, Ebenezer Oni, Lara Roberson, Maribeth Rouseff, Henry Guzman, Thinh Tran, Sankalp Das, Doris Brown, Joann Santiago-Charles, Teresa Ochoa, Joseph Mora, Cynthia Gilliam, Virginia Lehn, Josette Bou-Khalil, Beatriz Castillo, Janisse Post, Theodore Feldman, Arthur Agatston, Emir Veledar, and Khurram Nasir
Indications of Radiosurgery in Palliative Care: A New Paradigm, Beatriz Amendola
Innovation and Invention: A Vascular Surgeon’s Primer – Talking to the Big Guys About Your Idea, Jose Almeida
Innovative Solutions for Difficult Cosmetic Problems, Shevanti Manjula Jegasothy
Integration of TAVR in Daily Practice, Ramon Quesada
Interventional Imaging: Overlays, Fusion and Guidance, Constantino Pena
Intravascular Robotics: What IR’s Need to Know, Barry Katzen
Introduction to Endovascular Venous Surgery, Jose Almeida
Invited Speech: Evidence Based Practice: Acuity Based Care and Research Practice Change, Carolyn Lindgren
IR Management of Visceral Aneurysms, James Benenati
Is having your library in the cloud enough? Impact of new library space on a large hospital system, Devica Samsundar, John Reynolds, and Carrie Figueredo
Issues in reporting cytology: From headers and critical values to categorical data and natural language parsers, Andrew Renshaw