
Submissions from 2015

Cardiac CT in the Emergency Room: Does it Make a Difference? The Miami Baptist Experience, Ricardo Cury

Carotid and Subclavian Stenting Workshop, Guilherme Dabus

Challenging Cases and Technical Tips, Guilherme Dabus

CLI Intervention: How Do You Know You’re Done?, James Benenati

Clinical and Endovascular Approach to Acute Limb Ischemia, Ripal Gandhi

Complications with Endografts: How to Avoid Them and Manage Them, James Benenati

Coronary CTA as a Gatekeeper to the Cath Lab – The PROMISE of Coronary CTA, Ricardo Cury

Coronary CTA in the Emergency Department for Evaluation of Chest Pain Patients, Ricardo Cury

Coronary Flow Reserve: FFR-CT, Ricardo Cury

Craniofacial Vascular Malformations: Treatment Techniques, Guilherme Dabus

CTA/MRA? When Do I Order These Tests, Which One, and Why?, Constantino Pena

CTV/MRV and Artifacts/Pitfalls in Venous Imaging, Constantino Pena

Current Concepts and Innovation Developments in Radiation Safety, Ripal Gandhi

Debate: Balloon Assist vs. Stent Assist vs. Flow Diverter, Guilherme Dabus

Development of a Comprehensive Stroke Center in a Community Hospital, Guilherme Dabus


Effects of cardiac medications for patients with obstructive coronary artery disease by coronary computed tomographic angiography: results from the multicenter CONFIRM registry, Ricardo Cury

Endovascular Approach to Large and Giant Aneurysms, Guilherme Dabus

Endovascular Approach to Seemingly ‘No Option’ Angiographic Patterns: Isolated Tibial Segment, Absent Pedal Outflow, Non-Visualized Pedal Reconstitution, Constantino Pena

Endovascular repair of direct carotid-cavernous fistula in Ehlers-Danlos type IV, Italo Linfante, Eugene Lin, Barry Katzen, and Guilherme Dabus

Endovascular Stroke Therapy: The Trials and Beyond, Italo Linfante

Endovascular Therapy of Acute Ischemic Stroke, Italo Linfante

Endovascular Treatment of Complex Internal Carotid Artery Aneurysms, Italo Linfante


Endovascular Treatment of Proximal Aortic Arch Lesions through a Retrograde Approach, Barry Katzen

Evidence and Implementation of Coronary CTA in the Emergency Department, Ricardo Cury

Experience with Pipeline Flow Diverter and Axium Coils in the Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms, Guilherme Dabus