
Submissions from 2016

Stroke Is Treatable: The Revolution of Interventional Neuroradiology, Italo Linfante

Stroke Set Up and Workflow, Guilherme Dabus

Surgical Closure of the Left Atrial Appendage, Lisardo Garcia-Covarrubias

Techniques for Achieving Improved Outcomes with HydroSoft Coil Technology, Guilherme Dabus

Techniques for Achieving Improved Outcomes with HydroSoft Coil Technology, Guilherme Dabus

TEVAR and Robotic Embolization of the Celiac Artery, Ripal Gandhi


The association among peri-aortic root adipose tissue, metabolic derangements and burden of atherosclerosis in asymptomatic population, Ricardo Cury

The Continuing Role of Pushable Coils: Advances and Fiscal Responsibilities ̶ Cost Is an Object, James Benenati

The Lab of the Future, Hybrid to Robots: The Possible Effects on Your Career Choice, James Benenati

The Role of Embolization for Brain AVM Treatment, Guilherme Dabus

The Use of Left Ventricular Assist Devices in Acute Cardiogenic Shock, Lisardo Garcia-Covarrubias

Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm Challenges ̶ Methods to Reduce Radiation Exposure During Endovascular Procedures, Barry Katzen

Thromboaspiration: Devices and Techniques, James Benenati

Transapical Access for the Ascending Aorta, Barry Katzen

Transarterial Embolization of Dural AV Fistula With Double Lumen Balloon, Guilherme Dabus

Transeptal Puncture: Tailoring Technique to the SHD Indication, Ramon Quesada

Transfermoral vs. Transradial Arterial Access: Evidence and Safety, Ripal Gandhi

Transradial Access for Interventional Cardiology, Ripal Gandhi

Treating Venous Thromboembolism Without Lytic Medications, Constantino Pena

Treating Venous Thromboembolism Without Lytic Medications, Constantino Pena

Treatment of Aortoiliac Occlusive Disease: Case-Based Approach with Practical Pearls, Ripal Gandhi

Understanding the Coronary Artery Disease Reporting and Data System (CAD-RADS): A Primer for Radiologists, Constantino Pena and Ricardo Cury

Unmet Needs in BTK Intervention for CLI, Constantino Pena

Update on Crest2 Randomized Trial and Registries, Barry Katzen

Use of Heparin Viabahn in SFA Long Lesions, Barry Katzen