
Submissions from 2012

Endovascular Approach to Intracranial Stenosis and Vasospasm, Italo Linfante

Endovascular Approach to Intracranial Stenosis and Vasospasm, Italo Linfante

Endovascular Approach to Spinal Vascular Malformations, Italo Linfante

Endovascular Approach to Spinal Vascular Malformations, Italo Linfante


Endovascular treatment of a bilateral dural carotid-cavernous fistula using an unusual unilateral approach through the basilar plexus, Guilherme Dabus

Endovascular Venous Surgery for Multiple Sclerosis: Will Compassionate Use Procedures Get Reimbursed in the Future?, Constantino Pena

Endovascular Venous Surgery for Multiple Sclerosis: Will Compassionate Use Procedures Get Reimbursed in the Future?, Constantino Pena

Femoro-Popliteal Stent Fractures: Is it the Beast the European Experience portrayed it to be?, Constantino Pena

Femoro-Popliteal Stent Fractures: is it the Beast the European Experience Portrayed it to Be?, Constantino Pena

Financial Forecast for Treating PAD, Barry Katzen

Financial Forecast for Treating PAD, Barry Katzen

How to Start a Transradial Program in Your Cath Lab, Ramon Quesada

Images and Questions Part I: An Interactive Session, Ricardo Cury

Imaging for DVT and Venous Insufficiency, James Benenati


Infarct detection with a comprehensive cardiac CT protocol, Ricardo Cury

Integrated Imaging Spotlight: Multi-modality Developments in Myocardial Perfusion, Ricardo Cury

Interventional Radiology in the Era of Healthcare Reform, PACS and a Slumping Economy, James Benenati

Intraluminal vs. Subintimal Recanalization: Tools to Help You Get Through, James Benenati

Mastering the Radial Artery Access and Intervention Techniques, Ramon Quesada

Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Surgery, Lisardo Garcia-Covarrubias

Multimodality Imaging of Pericardial Diseases, Ricardo Cury

Myocardial Blood Flow: From Pathophysiology to Daily Life, Ricardo Cury

My Older Uncle Charlie Has Pain When He Walks, James Benenati

Nellix Clinical Results, Barry Katzen

Neurointerventions IV: Carotid Interventions, James Benenati