
Submissions from 2015


Lost in translation, Italo Linfante


Pipeline endovascular device for the treatment of intracranial aneurysms at the level of the circle of Willis and beyond: multicenter experience, Italo Linfante and Guilherme Dabus

Reading and Interpretation of Spinal Imaging: MRI, CT, SPECT, Myelogram, Kevin Abrams

Sab-mediated signaling infleunces aerobic gylcolysis and chemosusceptability in human neuroblastoma cells, Sergio Gonzalez-Arias


Verifying placement of small-bore feeding tubes: electromagnetic device images versus abdominal radiographs, Vera Bryant, Jean Phang, and Kevin Abrams

Clinical Experience with the ACE Aspiration Catheter, Guilherme Dabus


Estimating Intracranial Volume in Brain Research: An Evaluation of Methods, Alberto Pinzon Ardila and Sergio Gonzalez-Arias


A prospective randomized evaluation of the TriGuard HDH embolic DEFLECTion device during transcatheter aortic valve implantation: results from the DEFLECT III trial, Kevin Abrams


Predictors of Mortality in Acute Ischemic Stroke Intervention: Analysis of the North American Solitaire Acute Stroke Registry, Italo Linfante, Gail Walker, Guilherme Dabus, Amy Starosciak, Alexandria Alvarez, and Joey English

Equity in Healthcare Project: Stroke, Robin Tellez, Don Parris, and Amy Starosciak


Sex differences in conditioned nicotine reward are age-specific, Amy Starosciak


Thrombectomy for acute ischemic stroke: an evidence-based treatment, Italo Linfante

Using PSCOCQ as a Predictor of Imrpoved Pain Scores for Patients with Chronic Low Back Pain, Ronald Tolchin


A probabilistic approach for pediatric epilepsy diagnosis using brain functional connectivity networks, Alberto Pinzon Ardila and Sergio Gonzalez-Arias


A system and method to interface with multiple groups of axons in several fascicles of peripheral nerves, Amy Starosciak


Effect of a balloon-expandable intracranial stent vs medical therapy on risk of stroke in patients with symptomatic intracranial stenosis: the VISSIT randomized clinical trial, Italo Linfante


Endovascular treatment of tandem vascular occlusions in acute ischemic stroke, Italo Linfante and Guilherme Dabus


A research roadmap of future endovascular stroke trials, Italo Linfante


Endovascular therapy for acute ischemic stroke is indicated and evidence based: a position statement, Italo Linfante


Intravenous thrombolysis or endovascular therapy for acute ischemic stroke associated with cervical internal carotid artery occlusion: the ICARO-3 study, Italo Linfante and Guilherme Dabus

Predictors of Mortality in Acute Ischemic Stroke Intervention: Analysis of the NASA registry, Italo Linfante, Gail Walker, Guilherme Dabus, and Amy Starosciak

Acute Stroke Intervention: Clinical Trials and Beyond, Italo Linfante

Advances in the Treatment of Intracranial Aneurysms, Guilherme Dabus

A research roadmap of future endovascular stroke trials, Italo Linfante

Aspiration Thrombectomy: Clinical Experience with the ACE Device, Guilherme Dabus