Submissions from 2012
Neurointerventions IV: Carotid Interventions, James Benenati
Operational Efficiency-Daily Challenges of IR Practice, James Benenati
The Vascular Lab, James Benenati
When and When Not to Intervene for Claudication, James Benenati
Endovascular treatment of descending thoracic aortic disease: single-center, 15-year experience, Vahid Etezadi, Brian Schiro, Constantino Pena, Margaret Kovacs, James Benenati, and Barry Katzen
Retrievable inferior vena cava filters: factors that affect retrieval success, Philipp Geisbusch, James Benenati, Constantino Pena, Joseph Couvillon, Alex Powell, Ripal Gandhi, Shaun Samuels, and Heiko Uthoff
Bivalirudin used as alternative anticoagulant in carotid artery stenting: a single center observational study, Philipp Geisbusch, Barry Katzen, Constantino Pena, James Benenati, and Heiko Uthoff
A 60-Year-Old Fit Patient with a 5.5 cm AAA Should Undergo EVAR, Barry Katzen
Aorfix: After the Trials, Barry katzen
Aorfix: After the Trials, Barry Katzen
Current Trends for PAD Practice, Barry Katzen
Direct Sac Puncture for Type II Endoleaks, Barry Katzen
Direct Sac Puncture for Type II Endoleaks, Barry Katzen
Drug Coated Stents in the SFA/POP: Is This the Future?, Barry Katzen
Financial Forecast for Treating PAD, Barry Katzen
Financial Forecast for Treating PAD, Barry Katzen
Nellix Clinical Results, Barry Katzen
Peripheral Arterial Disease: From the Office to the Angiosuite and Back Again: Market Trends in Endovascular, Barry Katzen
Peripheral Arterial Disease: From the Office to the Angiosuite and Back Again: Market Trends in Endovascular, Barry Katzen
Short and Angled Necks: Pushing the Limits of AAA repair and New Devices to Help with Problems, Barry Katzen
Short and Angled Necks: Pushing the Limits of AAA repair and New Devices to Help with Problems, Barry Katzen
Two-year Data from the RESILIENT Trial: What Conclusions Can be Made?, Barry Katzen
Two-year Data from the RESILIENT Trial: What Conclusions Can be Made?, Barry Katzen
What Has device Modification Contributed to Improved results?, Barry Katzen
What Has Device Modification Contributed to Improved Results?, Barry Katzen
What is the Benchmark for Optimal SFA Treatment?, Barry Katzen
What is the Benchmark for Optimal SFA Treatment?, Barry Katzen
What to Think About Drug-Eluting Balloons Above and Below the Knee, Barry Katzen
What to Think About Drug-Eluting Balloons Above and Below the Knee, Barry Katzen
Why IR is Important to a Diagnostic Group, Barry Katzen
Why IR is Important to a Diagnostic Group, Barry Katzen
Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Before and After Treatment, Constantino Pena
Endovascular Venous Surgery for Multiple Sclerosis: Will Compassionate Use Procedures Get Reimbursed in the Future?, Constantino Pena
Femoro-Popliteal Stent Fractures: Is it the Beast the European Experience portrayed it to be?, Constantino Pena
Other Central Venous Occlusions, Constantino Pena
Popliteal Artery Aneurysm: When and How to Treat, Constantino Pena
Secondary Intervention Following EVAR, Constantino Pena
Suprarenal X Infrarenal Fixation, Constantino Pena
Thoracic and Abdominal Aneurysm Repair, Constantino Pena
Fibromuscular dysplasia-related carotid pseudoaneurysm and pulsatile tinnitus, Rohit Raj, Ripal Gandhi, and Barry Katzen
Transapical endovascular aortic repair to treat complex aortic pathologies, Heiko Uthoff, Lisardo Garcia-Covarrubias, Shaun Samuels, James Benenati, Niberto Moreno, and Barry Katzen
Direct percutaneous sac injection for postoperative endoleak treatment after endovascular aortic aneurysm repair, Heiko Uthoff, Barry Katzen, Ripal Gandhi, Constantino Pena, James Benenati, and Philipp Geisbusch
Symptomatic ascites caused by a longstanding posttraumatic mesenteric arteriovenous fistula, Heiko Uthoff, Constantino Pena, Fransicsco Contreras, and Barry Katzen
Current clinical practice in postoperative endovascular aneurysm repair imaging surveillance, Heiko Uthoff, Constantino Pena, Barry Katzen, Ripal Gandhi, James West, James Benenati, and Philipp Geisbusch
Submissions from 2011
Position statement by the Society of Interventional Radiology: maintenance of privileges for image-guided interventions, James Benenati
Endovascular treatment of visceral and renal artery aneurysms, Vahid Etezadi, Ripal Gandhi, James Benenati, Paul Rochon, Matthew Benenati, Sara Alehashemi, Barry Katzen, and Philipp Geisbusch
Retroperitoneal versus direct femoral artery approach for thoracic endovascular aortic repair access: a case-control study, Vahid Etezadi, Barry Katzen, James Benenati, Sara Alehashemi, Athanassious Tsoukas, and Orlando Puente
Percutaneous suture-mediated closure versus surgical arteriotomy in endovascular aortic aneurysm repair, Vahid Etezadi, Barry Katzen, Amer Naiem, and James Benenati
Aortic aneurysm pressure sensors can be of value in the acute postoperative setting, Ripal Gandhi, Barry Katzen, Athanassious Tsoukas, and Philipp Geisbusch
Local anaesthesia for endovascular repair of infrarenal aortic aneurysms, Philipp Geisbusch, Barry Katzen, Rafael Machado, James Benenati, Constantino Pena, and Athanassious Tsoukas
Simultaneous complete supraaortic debranching and thoracic aortic endografting in an angiography suite setting, Philipp Geisbusch, Barry Katzen, Niberto Moreno, James Benenati, Alex Powell, Athanassious Tsoukas, and Lisardo Garcia-Covarrubias
Endovascular repair of infrarenal aortic aneurysms in octogenarians and nonagenarians, Philipp Geisbusch, Barry Katzen, Athanassious Tsoukas, Dillon Arango, Constantino Pena, and James Benenati
Unusual presentation of long-standing aortic coarctation, Rohit Raj, Ripal Gandhi, Daniel Golik, Constantino Pena, and James Benenati
Submissions from 2010
The reentry catheter: a second chance for endoluminal reentry at difficult lower extremity subintimal arterial recanalizations, Vahid Etezadi, James Benenati, Rahul Patel, Alex Powell, and Barry Katzen
Endovascular treatment of popliteal artery aneurysms: a single-center experience, Vahid Etezadi, Constantino Pena, James Benenati, Rahul Patel, and Barry Katzen
Skiing and intermittant claudication: an aberrant presentation, Barry Katzen
Hybrid interventional radiology, Barry Katzen, Jane Kiah, Debbie Smith, Debra Denny, and Melanie Stoia
Treating the diseased superficial femoral artery, Constantino Pena and James Benenati
Submissions from 2009
Endovascular treatment of femoral-popliteal disease, Adam Geronemus and Constantino Pena
Predictors of survival following open and endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms, Barry Katzen
Office evaluation of leg pain, Alex Powell
Submissions from 2008
Fenestrated and branched endografts: why we need them now, Nicolas Diehm, Samuel Baum, and James Benenati
Staged bilateral carotid stenting, an effective strategy in high-risk patients - insights from a prospective multicenter trial, Nicolas Diehm and Barry Katzen
Influence of stent type on hemodynamic depression after carotid artery stent placement, Nicolas Diehm, Barry Katzen, Margaret Kovacs, Gerald Zemel, Alex Powell, Shaun Samuels, and James Benenati
Sixty-four-detector CT angiography of infrarenal aortic neck length and angulation: prospective analysis of interobserver variability, Nicolas Diehm, Barry Katzen, Shaun Samuels, Constantino Pena, and Alex Powell
Matched-pair analysis of endovascular versus open surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms in young patients at low risk, Nicolas Diehm, Athanassious Tsoukas, Barry Katzen, James Benenati, Samuel Baum, and Constantino Pena
Long-term results of carotid stenting versus endarterectomy in high-risk patients, Barry Katzen
Submissions from 2007
Long-term outcome from uterine fibroid embolization with tris-acryl gelatin microspheres: results of a multicenter study, James Benenati
Anemia is associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) size and decreased long-term survival after endovascular AAA repair, Nicolas Diehm, James Benenati, Ramon Quesada, Athanassious Tsoukas, Barry Katzen, and Margaret Kovacs
Carotid artery stenting with emboli protection surveillance study: thirty-day results of the CASES-PMS study, Barry Katzen
Complications in Endovascular Therapy, Barry Katzen
Submissions from 2006
Carotid stenting with distal protection in high surgical risk patients: the BEACH trial 30 day results, Barry Katzen
Complications of endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms: a review, Barry Katzen
Submissions from 2005
Feasibility trial of carotid stenting with and without an embolus protection device, Barry Katzen
Interventional radiology: transformation into a clinical discipline, Barry Katzen
Bivalirudin as an anticoagulation agent: safety and efficacy in peripheral interventions, Barry Katzen, Maria Ardid, Alexandra MacLean, Margaret Kovacs, Gerald Zemel, James Benenati, Alex Powell, and Shaun Samuels
Endovascular repair of abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms, Barry Katzen and Alexandra MacLean
Past, present, and future endograft devices, Barry Katzen and Alexandra MacLean
Retrograde migration of an abdominal aortic aneurysm endograft leading to postoperative renal failure, Barry Katzen, Alexandra MacLean, and Howard Katzman
Submissions from 2004
Protected carotid-artery stenting versus endarterectomy in high-risk patients, Barry Katzen
Submissions from 2003
Carotid artery angioplasty and stent placement: quality improvement guidelines to ensure stroke risk reduction, John Connors III and Gary Becker
Carotid artery angioplasty and stent placement: quality improvement guidelines to ensure stroke risk reduction, John Connors III and Gary Becker
Five-year interim comparison of the Guidant bifurcated endograft with open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm, Barry Katzen
In vitro evaluation of a retrievable low-profile nitinol vena cava filter, Barry Katzen
Implications of problematic access in transluminal endografting of abdominal aortic aneurysm, Megumi Mathison, Gary Becker, Barry Katzen, James Benenati, Gerald Zemel, Alex Powell, and Marjorie Lima
Submissions from 2002
The importance of increasing public and physician awareness of peripheral arterial disease, Gary Becker, Margaret Kovacs, and Barry Katzen
Transluminal repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm: a call for selective use, careful surveillance, new device design, and systematic study of transrenal fixation, Gary Becker, Margaret Kovacs, and Megumi Mathison
The future of catheter-based angiography: implications for the vascular interventionalist, Barry Katzen
Percutaneous ultrasound-guided thrombin injection for the treatment of pseudoaneurysms, Alex Powell, James Benenati, Gary Becker, Barry Katzen, and Gerald Zemel
Submissions from 2001
2000 RSNA annual oration in diagnostic radiology: The future of interventional radiology, Gary Becker
Risk stratification and outcomes of transluminal endografting for abdominal aortic aneurysm: 7-year experience and long-term follow-up, Gary Becker, Margaret Kovacs, Megumi Mathison, Barry Katzen, James Benenati, Gerald Zemel, Alex Powell, Jose Almeida, Jose Alvarez Jr., Abilio Coello, Michael Ingegno, Steven Kanter, Howard Katzman, Orlando Puente, Ian Reiss, Ignacio Rua, Robert Gordon, and Julio Baquero
Percutaneous treatment of symptomatic vertebral artery stenosis with coronary stents, Barry Katzen
Update on the bifurcated EXCLUDER endoprosthesis: phase I results, Barry Katzen