
Submissions from 2025


Exploring the Effect of Simulation on Nurses’ Knowledge, Skills, and Confidence with Providing Post-Fetal Death Support to Bereaved Parents, Monique Scholine, Donna Davis, Shannon Zalewski, Sandria Jamieson, Kettia Antoine, Nicole Adokou, Kristi Vargo, Janelle Diaz, Erin Franklin, and Natalie Bermudez


Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance Through Electronic Monitoring, Ruth Navarro, Lupe Almaguer, Andrea Tilleman, Ayesha Pacheco, Sebastian Zuluaga, Bianca De La Barra, and Hector Vega


Multifactorial Approach to Falls Prevention with Inclusion of Morse Fall Scores & Artificial Intelligence Technology, Ruth Navarro, Andrea Tilleman, Lupe Almaguer, Grace Aguilera, Kristina Diaz-Rivas, Yesenia Quintero, Alex Vanegas, and Jessica Amigot


Using Turn Teams to Prevent Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries, Melanie Sosa and Andrea Tilleman


Nursing Advocacy Reduces Surgical Site Infections Related to Anastomotic Leak and Incidental Colon Lacerations, Claudia Chanes and Zebina Rodger

Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Adjust Staffing Levels in the Emergency Department, Marisel Perigo and Haydee Fernandez


Workplace Violence: Clinical Nurse Impacts Feeling Safe through Evidence-Based Practice, Kristina Perez

Books from 2024


Antenatal Lactation Education an EBP Approach to Improve Exclusivity of Breastfeeding, Maureen Pahl, Johana Porto Carrero, Dina Victor, Mabel Sosa, Sarah Lopez-Calleja, Clauville Eversley, and Beth Ann Fraser Ottey


A Warm Welcome: The Role of Care Packages in Patients Experience and Well Being, Isabel Velar, Marisol Aviles, Rachelle Mombrun, and Bianca Porras


Code Crimson OB – To Improve Maternal Outcomes, Colleen Rodriguez, Elizabeth Barrers, Leah Williams-Jones, Mercy Banaszak, and Leonor Ruiz


Confusion Assessment Method-ICU Performance Improvement Project, Amanda Morales, Jennifer Alonso, Stephanie Benavides, Kristina Bourne, Lauren Busse, Michelle Delgado, Michael Ferrer, Jackie Mathelier, Amanda McGiboney, Katie Moggio, Daphne Pierre, Patricia Rios, and Jose Veliz Otero


Enhancing Bariatric Patient Outcomes with Patient Education, Ilda I. Corea, Adrianna Matilla, Gaileen Quammie, Monica Chavez, Yunisleidis Puentes Villar, Maria Villafuerte, and Rey Hernandez


Homeward Bound Family-Centered Initiative: A Best Practice through Florida Perineal Quality Council, Jessica Vinuela, Amaris Fabelo, and Christina Palmer


Hospital Onset Bacteremia: Infection Prevention Strategy Through a Peripheral Intravenous Checklist, Marian Ramos, Frank Boza, Brooke Marin, Patty Castillo, Osvaldo Navarro, Cecile Manahan, Yassel Diaz Matos, and Uche Fernes


Implementation of Medication Pamphlet to Improve Communication Regarding Medications, Yekaterina Ilina, Stephanie Nunez, and Yvonne Zapata


Improve HCAHPS Percent "Response of Hosp Staff Domain" on 4P: A nurse led project, Raquel Blanco, Vanessa Bombiella, Kei Berlin, and George Williams Jr.


Improve Patient Satisfaction (HCAHPS) Scores For Understanding Managing their Health, Medication Purpose & Side Effects on 5P, Anabel Caceres Perez, Wendy Gil, Idalmi Hernandez Estevez, Wendy Lopez, Wendy Perez, Luis Rivera, Antonia Boniche, Florence Livingston, and Sariah Battle


Improving Patient Satisfaction through Effective Communication in the Clinical Decision Unit (CDU), Laura Charite, Angel Thomas, and Vicky Wheeler


Improving Quality Adding a Night-Shift Resource Nurse, Marian Ramos, Patty Castillo, Uche Fernes, Wesline Roberty, and Dana Lee


Patient Satisfaction with "Staff Work Together to Take Care of You” in the Emergency Department, Ana Touza, Kenneth Ocampo, Susan Pangilinan, Silvia Clark, and Delilah Cetoute


Postpartum Access & Continuity of Care (PACC), Ashley Hurtado, Susan Chandler, Geraldine Lamoglia, Suzy Coleto, and Guiuliana Mazzotti


Prevention of Barotrauma During Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment in OP Hyperbaric/ Wound Care Center, Pat Simms, Diana Ansuarez, Maribel Movilla, Silvia Montes, Julio Sierra, Esther Raphael, David Prada, and Frank Patino


Reduce Percent Incorrect Documentation of Surgical Wound Classification to Zero, Mara Berman, Andrea Porter, and Cam Kha


Respectful Maternity Care Overcoming Maternal Health Disparities, Deborah Pol, Jennifer Machado, Sarah Fallon, and Leslie-Ann Kirindongo


Team Admission Approach: Improve Percent "Staff Works together care for you", Gaudy Soljour, Duclos Philippe, Norma Cruz-Handy, and Angela Castillo


Addressing End-of-Life Care Education Gaps for Registered Nurses: A Quality Improvement Project, Mayra Villalba, Alejandra Angel, and Arvinder Singh


A Multi-Pronged Collaborative Approach to Harness the Implementation and Sustainability of Bedside Shift Report, Diane s. Kramer, Lourdes C. Castaneda, Catherina Chang Martinez, Shelli A. Chernesky, Lisette Hurtado, Harold Girado, and Yessenia Muniz


Beyond “C”: A Nurse Navigator-Led Education Project to Increase Survivorship Referrals and Cancer Survivorship Attendance, Carem Irma Costa Castro, Morgan Nestingen, Tania Silva Santos, Pamela DeLongchamp, Luz Morales, Barbara Quintana, Marguerite Rowell, Merly Alonso, and Natalie Bermudez


Building a Meditation Room to Improve Critical Care Nurse’s Work Environment: An Evidence-Based Practice Project, Jennifer Alonso, Daphne Pierre, Stephanie Wald, and Stephen Breazeale


Challenging a Sacred Cow: Implementing Clear Liquids During Labor, Paloma Casemeiro, Carey B. Acosta, and Judith E. Bowling


Effects of the Low-Dose, High-Frequency Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Education on Nurses’ Competency and Confidence, Claudia C. Sabogal-Rodriguez


Exploring Intensive Care Registered Nurses’ Perceptions of the Family Support Person during Family-Witnessed Resuscitation, Carmen Petersen, Martha O. Morales, and Natalie Bermudez


Exploring Relationships and Predictors of Job Embeddedness and Intent to Stay in Acute Care Registered Nurses, Nada Wakim, Myriam Bigaud-Ambroise, Laurie Cogar, and Natalie Bermudez


Impact of an Interdisciplinary Team on Patients Seen at a Heart Failure Clinic, Nilda Pelegrino, Faaria Quadri, Elaina Rosario, Jacqualine Igwe, Sandra Chaparro, Lourdes Labrada, Sara Panella, Maria Pulido, Stephen Breazeale, and Zhenwei Zhang


Improving Mobility in Acute Care Patients with a Mobility Technician: A Quality Improvement Pilot Project, Oscar A. Acosta, Erin Shea, Madelyn Lliteras, Mary B. Gomes, Tiffany D. Baker, and Catherina Chang Martinez


Nurse-led Advocacy in Reducing 30-Day Readmission Rates for Heart Failure Patients with Reduced Ejection Fraction, Lourdes M. Talavera, Madeleine Turco, Hector Gonzalez, Catherina Chang Martinez, Daniela Wintersteen, Stephanie Villadamigo, Alexandra Palau, Maria L. Perez, Cindy Delgado, Stephani Cardona, Christina Davis, Gustavo Ramirez, Marta Larranaga, Betty Muniz, and Jessica G. Bundy


Retrospectively Exploring Differences, Relationships, and Predictors associated with the Bedside Mobility Assessment Tool and Patient Outcomes​, Sandra Torres, Angela Ramirez, Nicole Boswell, Sigrid Somarriba, Simone Cheong, and Natalie Bermudez


Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance Through Electronic Monitoring, Ruth Navarro, Lupe Almaguer, Andrea Tilleman, Ayesha Pacheco, Sebastian Zuluaga, Bianca De La Barra, and Hector Vega


Meningioma: International Consortium on Meningiomas consensus review on scientific advances & treatment paradigms for clinicians, researchers, and patients, Michael McDermott


Society of Critical Care Medicine and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Guideline for the Prevention of Stress-Related Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Critically Ill Adults: Erratum, Rosemary Lee


Accurate Weight Documentation and its Impact on Medication Administration, Doroty Dessalines


Improving Sepsis Bundle Compliance in The Emergency Department (ED), Sara Caldwell and Michael Zonak


Improving Transfusion Record Documentation, Peggy Benenati, Kimberly Cerri, Stephen Golding, Rita Kyada, Elisabeth Bernabe, Courtney Roseberry, Monique Scholine, and Fiordaliza Croge


Neonatal Resuscitation Readiness, Shannon Zalewski and Erin M. Franklin


Telemetry Escalation Process: Exploring Opportunities of Centralized Telemetry Monitoring in Non-ICU Patients, Elisabeth Bernabe, Courtney Roseberry, and Peggy Benenati


The Effect of Simulation on Nurses’ Knowledge, Skills, and Confidence with Providing Post-Fetal Death Support to Bereaved Parents, Monique Scholine; Donna Davis; Shannon Zalewski; Sandria Jamieson; Kettia Antoine; Nicole Adokou; Kristi Vargo; Janelle Diaz; Erin M. Franklin; and Natalie Bermudez PhD, RN, EBP-C


Exploring Intensive Care Registered Nurses’ Perceptions of the Family Support Person during Family-Witnessed Resuscitation, Carmen Petersen; Martha Morales; and Natalie Bermudez PhD, RN, EBP-C


Improving Delirium Screening Using the Stanford Proxy Test for Delirium, Phoebe Yeung


Exploring Bedside Mobility Assessment Tool Impact on Patient Outcomes, Sandra Torres, Angela Ramirez, Nicole Boswell, Sigrid Somarriba, Simone Cheong, and Natalie Bermudez


The Association of Asthma and Metabolic Dysfunction With Outcomes of Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19, Donna Lee Armaignac


Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance through Electronic Monitoring System, Ruth Navarro, Lupe Almaguer, Andrea Tilleman, Ayesha Pacheco, Sebastian Zuluaga, Bianca De La Barra, and Hector Vega


Executive Summary-Society of Critical Care Medicine Guideline and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists for the Prevention of Stress-Related Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Critically Ill Adults, Rosemary Lee


Society of Critical Care Medicine and American Society of Health-System Pharmacists Guideline for the Prevention of Stress-Related Gastrointestinal Bleeding in Critically Ill Adults, Rosemary Lee

Evidence-Based Clinical Audits Translate to Improved Patient Outcome, Kristy Perez


Implementing Evidence-Based Practices in Nursing: A Focus on Bedside Shift Reporting, Lourdes Castaneda, Diane Kramer, Shelli Chernesky, Lisette Hurtado, Catherina Chang Martinez, Harold Girado, and Yessenia Muniz


Rapid Response Team Debrief Restructure and Pause: A Quality Improvement Pilot Project, Yannick Odiete


Digital Smart Room: Nurse-Led Innovation Implementation, Jessica Hucey Nua


Lessening Nurses' Burden: AI Enhanced Fall Risk Prediction, Joanne Aberilla and Andrea Tilleman


Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Adjust Staffing Levels in the Emergency Department, Marisel Perigo and Haydee Fernandez

Preparing for Day Zero: Examining the Effects and Lived Experiences of Participating in the Ceremony of Hope as a Religious Coping Intervention among Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Patients, David Stackhouse, Shelli Chernesky, Sammy Alvero, Karla Ruiz Tamayo, Denise Dujon, Nina Aguda, Mirian Soler, Natalie Bermudez, Ruben Ramos, Felipe Zuluaga, and Liuvys Zaldivar


A Unit Practice Council's Quality Improvement Project: Burnout Reduction Through Stress Relief Techniques, Robert Garcia and Patricia Sierra


Code Rescue Escape Room: A Practice Improvement Project to Empower the Nurse Staff, Christina Barrera, Isaac Rodriguez, Gloria Gamboa, Jonathan Hernandez, Candace McLaughlin, Martha Gaitan, Priscilla Egemba, Rocio Ramirez, and Patricia Sanabria Sanabria


Four Eyes Skin Assessment, Yesenia Mauricio and Marisol Piedra


Implementing Clear Liquids During Labor: Improving Patient Experience and Challenging Sacred Cows, Paloma Casemeiro, Carey B. Acosta, and Carolina Sanchez


Let's Pull Together: SSU Pull From ED of Medical & Telemetry Monitored Patients-Pilot, Roshnie Somra Ramgadoo, Floralynn Lacrete, Tyffany Rivera, Yainet Bello, and Fabiola Molina


Multifaceted Approach to Prevent Falls in the Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit, Jennifer Imarenakhue, Guerline Lucien, Evelyne Michel, Lupita Ornelas, and Jessica Franjul


Patient Welcome Kit: A Project to Improve Patient Satisfaction, Nayades Alfonso, Timothy Madaras, Jose Nazario, Millie Escalona, Nayai Alfonso, Vanessa Duenas, Mayra Cardosa, Lianne Moran, Lazara Barbeito, Sally Velo, and Ada Morales


Pyxis BD Omnicell Re-organization & Staff Education Quality Improvement Project, Mauricio Aragon Caceres, Edlina Hilson, Mary Montejo, and Aliyah Clarke


Reduction of Falls in the ED (Quality Improvement Project), Yasmany Perez, Michelle Isambert, and Shana Sealy


RN-MD Collaborative Observation Unit: MS5 and Inter-professional Collaboration Initiative, Maria Carrillo, Mark Hernandez, Alma Liu, Susan Collins, Carol Rey, Allison Thomas, Liuvannia Alam, Maria Menendez, Dawn Rudasill, Leslly Prado, Carlos Herrera, Nimsi Espaillat-Paulino, Aracely Olvera, Kelly Vazquez, Claudette Clarke, Vonneda Hendrickson, and Kimberly Fleitas


Sound the Alarm! Hardwiring Care of the Hip Fracture Patient to Improve Recovery, Mary Montejo, Aracely Olvera, and Maria Ramirez


The use of Nurse Practitioners in the Critical Care Team effect on Physician Satisfaction, Anamaria Chavez, Lazaro Pastor, Fritz Boucicault, Leyanys Armas, Collette Woods, and Ana Herrada Suarez


Collaborative Nurses Leading the Way to Quality & Safety Improvement Utilizing a Home-grown Mock Survey - "Continuous Readiness Rounds" (CRR), Rosalina Butao, Eva Mitra, Gen Crespo, Christina Fontaine, and Alex Duarte


Nurse Manager Competency: Development Program Engages Leaders through Mentoring, Diane Amado Tate and Victoria McCue


Nursing Advocacy Reduces Surgical Site Infections, Zebina Rodger and Claudia Chanes


Staying Ahead of the PACC: Improving Postpartum Maternal Health, Cristiana Rivas, Suganya Gobinathan, Nerlande Joseph, and Yenny Giraldo


Striving to ALWAYS Exceed the Patients Care Experience, Griselle Pastor, Diane Amado Tate, James Collins, Leticia Berrones, Giselle Ortiz, Demetrius Williams, Melissa Parodi, and Trina Vidal


Universal Onboarding: Impacting Satisfaction and Turnover, Joanne Aberilla and Julia Caballero

Best Practices in Telecritical Care: Expert Consensus Recommendations From the Telecritical Care Collaborative Network, Donna Lee Armaignac

Meningioma: International Consortium on Meningiomas consensus review on scientific advances and treatment paradigms for clinicians, researchers, and patients, Michael McDermott

Meningioma: International Consortium on Meningiomas (ICOM) consensus review on scientific advances & treatment paradigms for clinicians, researchers, and patients, Michael McDermott

Use of Imiquimod 5% cream for the treatment of lentigo maligna on the face, Laura Benitez, Uzma Farooq, and Naiara Braghiroli

Submissions from 2023


Collaborative Nurses Leading the Way to Quality & Safety Improvement Utilizing a Home-grown Mock Survey - "Continuous Readiness Rounds" (CRR), Rosalina Butao, Eva Mitra, Gen Crespo, Christina Fontaine, and Alex Duarte


Constructive Accountability Improves Patient Outcomes in the Emergency Department, Marisel Perigo


Reducing Emergency Department Patient Falls through Ownership and Drills, Marisel Perigo, Wanda Rodriguez, Alexander Alpizar, Virginia Valenzuela, and Gaby Fontela


Evaluating the Effect of Turning Teams and Turning Clocks on Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries, Karen Yap; Rachel Smith; Natalia Flores; and Natalie Bermudez PhD, RN


"Examining the Presence of Professional Nursing Practice Environment Attributes in a South Florida Hospital: A Quantitative Correlative Comparative Study", Monique Scholine; Angela M. Bonaby; and Natalie Bermudez PhD, RN


HAPI Prevention on a Medical-Surgical Unit: 325+ Days of Success, David A. Bowers, Tristen Craig, Vimala Abraham, Preeti Shrestha, Vanessa N. Lennon, and David J. O'Brien


"Improving Teamwork Perception Between RNs and Nursing Assistants Using a Focused Communication Tool", Ermina Vil, Jill Spinder, Joselie Marcellus, Mryline Sejour, Michelle L. Fleischman, Shari Goulbourne, Lisa Joswick, Javon Lewis, Charkila Wims, and Juliet M. Wilson


"Inpatient Weight Monitoring for All: Implementing a Strategy for Increased Compliance", James Ervin Lim, Olive Gibson, Michelle Dellafave, and Natalia Flores


"Scripting to Improve Patient Experience in a South Florida Hospital Emergency Department ", Tonia Krusch and Nicole Sidaway


The Effect of Simulation on Nurses’ Knowledge, Skills, and Confidence with Providing Post-Fetal Death Support to Bereaved Parents, Monique Scholine; Donna Davis; Nicole Adokou; Kristi Vargo; Janelle Diaz; Kettia Antoine; Shannon Zalewski; Erin Franklin; Sandria Jamieson; and Natalie Bermudez PhD, RN


"Using Simulation to Increase Nurses' Knowledge and Skills with Emergency Bedside Re sternotomies", Kathleen G. Lopez; Dante R. Trombini; Natalie Bermudez PhD, RN; Trish O’Brien; and Colleen Buchholz


Assessment of a Pharmacist-Led Antibiotic Time-out for Transition of IV Vancomycin to Oral Linezolid, Mary S. Vogel, Jefferson Cua, Erika Dittmar, Timothy Gauthier, and Kelsey N. Williams


Characterization of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Admitted for Acute Heart Failure During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Paola Delahoz, Karen Corrales, Justin P. Cagulada, Jessica Cardona, Jasmin Qyyum, Venessa Rodriguez, and Catherina Chang Martinez


Comparison of Microbial Respiratory Cultures versus MRSA Nasal Screen to Guide Vancomycin De-escalation in Patients Hospitalized for Bacterial Pneumonia, Victoria E. Grusauskas, Anthony Wasielewski, and Kristin Boyar


Impact of Midodrine on Optimization of β-blocker Therapy in Patients with Heart Failure with Reduced Ejection Fraction, Maria A. Ruiz, Dayana Martinez, Maura Falli, Kristen de Almeida, and Radhan B. Gopalani


Using Empowerment Theory to Improve Understanding of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in Haitian American Women, Balkys Bivins, Brenda Owusu, Indra R Hershorin, Tony Umadhay, Janet Joseph, and Arvinder Singh


Advocacy and Collaboration for New Evidence-based Initiative Improves Breastfeeding Rate, Jennifer Canales, Betty Drago, and Alisha Gaffoor


Leveraging Leadership Strategies and Unit Outcomes by Decreasing Hospital Acquired Conditions with an Innovative Role Mobility Associate, Kristine Aguinaldo and Myla Malto