
Submissions from 2016


Long term prognostic utility of coronary CT angiography in patients with no modifiable coronary artery disease risk factors: Results from the 5 year follow-up of the CONFIRM International Multicenter Registry, Ricardo Cury


Long-Term Prognostic Utility of Coronary CT Angiography in Stable Patients With Diabetes Mellitus, Ricardo Cury

Myocardial Perfusion by CT: Current Status, Ricardo Cury


PROMISE of Coronary CT Angiography: Precise and Accurate Diagnosis and Prognosis in Coronary Artery Disease, Ricardo Cury


The association among peri-aortic root adipose tissue, metabolic derangements and burden of atherosclerosis in asymptomatic population, Ricardo Cury


CAD-RADS™: Coronary Artery Disease - Reporting and Data System: An Expert Consensus Document of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT), the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging (NASCI). Endorsed by the American College of Cardiology, Ricardo Cury and Arthur Agatston


CAD-RADS(TM) Coronary Artery Disease - Reporting and Data System. An expert consensus document of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography (SCCT), the American College of Radiology (ACR) and the North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging (NASCI). Endorsed by the American College of Cardiology, Ricardo Cury and Arthur Agatston


Coronary Artery Disease - Reporting and Data System (CAD-RADS): An Expert Consensus Document of SCCT, ACR and NASCI: Endorsed by the ACC, Ricardo Cury and Arthur Agatston

Developing the Optimal Environment for Image-Guided Procedures, Barry Katzen


Initial Evaluation of Coronary CT Angiography Image Quality on the Revolution CT System, Muhammad Latif, Frank Sanchez, Karl Sayegh, Emir Veledar, Arthur Agatston, Juan Batlle, Warren Janowitz, Constantino Pena, Jack Ziffer, Khurram Nasir, and Ricardo Cury


Initial Evaluation of Coronary CT Angiography Image Quality on the Revolution CT System, Muhammad Latif, Frank Sanchez, Karl Sayegh, Emir Veledar, Arthur Agatston, Juan Batlle, Warren Janowitz, Constantino Pena, Jack Ziffer, Khurram Nasir, and Ricardo Cury


Volumetric Single-Beat Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography: Relationship of Image Quality, Heart Rate, and Body Mass Index. Initial Patient Experience With a New Computed Tomography Scanner, Muhammad Latif, Frank Sanchez, Emir Veledar, Muhammad Aziz, Rehan Malik, Arthur Agatston, Juan Batlle, Warren Janowitz, Constantino Pena, Jack Ziffer, Khurram Nasir, and Ricardo Cury


Arteriovenous malformation of the inferior mesenteric artery presenting as ischemic colitis, Muhammad Noor, Kyle Cooper, Henry Lujan, and Constantino Pena

MRV and CTV in Imaging of Pelvic and Abdominal Venous Comprehensive Syndromes: Which Is Better and Why?, Constantino Pena

MRV and CTV in Imaging of Pelvic and Abdominal Venous Compression Syndromes: Which Is Better and Why?, Constantino Pena

Treating Venous Thromboembolism Without Lytic Medications, Constantino Pena

Understanding the Coronary Artery Disease Reporting and Data System (CAD-RADS): A Primer for Radiologists, Constantino Pena and Ricardo Cury

Submissions from 2015


Single-Center Experience Comparing the Application of Small-Caliber versus Large-Caliber Arterial Access Closure in a Consecutive Series of Patients, Frederic Baumann, Timothy Yates, Ripal Gandhi, James Benenati, Constantino Pena, and Barry Katzen


A clinical model to identify patients with high-risk coronary artery disease, Ricardo Cury


ACR Appropriateness Criteria Acute Nonspecific Chest Pain-Low Probability of Coronary Artery Disease, Ricardo Cury


A randomized, multicenter, multivendor study of myocardial perfusion imaging with regadenoson CT perfusion vs single photon emission CT, Ricardo Cury

Beam hardening artifact reduction using dual energy computed tomography: implications for myocardial perfusion studies, Ricardo Cury

Cardiac CT and MRI: Advances in Technology, Ricardo Cury

Cardiac CTA of Coronary Diseases, Ricardo Cury

Cardiac CT in the Emergency Room: Does it Make a Difference? The Miami Baptist Experience, Ricardo Cury


Comparison of Myocardial Perfusion Evaluation with Single Versus Dual-Energy CT and Effect of Beam-Hardening Artifacts, Ricardo Cury

Coronary CTA as a Gatekeeper to the Cath Lab – The PROMISE of Coronary CTA, Ricardo Cury

Coronary CTA in the Emergency Department for Evaluation of Chest Pain Patients, Ricardo Cury

Coronary dominance and prognosis in patients undergoing coronary computed tomographic angiography: results from the CONFIRM (COronary CT Angiography EvaluatioN For Clinical Outcomes: An InteRnational Multicenter) registry, Ricardo Cury

Coronary Flow Reserve: FFR-CT, Ricardo Cury


Current but not past smoking increases the risk of cardiac events: insights from coronary computed tomographic angiography, Ricardo Cury


Effects of cardiac medications for patients with obstructive coronary artery disease by coronary computed tomographic angiography: results from the multicenter CONFIRM registry, Ricardo Cury

Evidence and Implementation of Coronary CTA in the Emergency Department, Ricardo Cury

Future Radiology Practice Models: ACCOs, CINs and Other Possible Scenarios, Ricardo Cury

How to Build an ER Cardiac CT Program, Ricardo Cury

Implementation of Coronary CTA in the Emergency Department for Evaluation of Acute Chest Pain Patients, Ricardo Cury


Incremental prognostic utility of coronary CT angiography for asymptomatic patients based upon extent and severity of coronary artery calcium: results from the COronary CT Angiography EvaluatioN For Clinical Outcomes InteRnational Multicenter (CONFIRM) Study, Ricardo Cury


Is Metabolic Syndrome Predictive of Prevalence, Extent, and Risk of Coronary Artery Disease beyond Its Components? Results from the Multinational Coronary CT Angiography Evaluation for Clinical Outcome: An International Multicenter Registry (CONFIRM), Ricardo Cury


Medical History for Prognostic Risk Assessment and Diagnosis of Stable Patients with Suspected Coronary Artery Disease, Ricardo Cury

Myocardial Perfusion CT, Ricardo Cury


Myocardial signal density levels and beam-hardening artifact attenuation using dual-energy computed tomography, Ricardo Cury

Perfusion Imaging by CT: Here and Now!, Ricardo Cury

President's page: Implementation of coronary CT angiography to assess chest pain patients in the Emergency Department - A Call for Action!, Ricardo Cury


President's page--The definition of cardiac CT = resilience, Ricardo Cury

President's page - The promise of coronary CT angiography: Precision medicine, Ricardo Cury


President's page: Worldwide expansion of cardiac CT--an impressive growth in recent years, Ricardo Cury

President's page: Worldwide expansion of cardiac CT-an impressive growth in recent years, Ricardo Cury


Prognostic and Therapeutic Implications of Statin and Aspirin Therapy in Individuals With Nonobstructive Coronary Artery Disease: Results From the CONFIRM (Coronary CT Angiography Evaluation For Clinical Outcomes: An International Multicenter Registry) Registry, Ricardo Cury


Qualitative and semi-quantitative evaluation of myocardium perfusion with 3 T stress cardiac MRI, Ricardo Cury


Quantification of peri-aortic root fat from non-contrast ECG-gated cardiac computed tomography, Ricardo Cury

Recent and Future Clinical Applications of Cardiac CT, Ricardo Cury


Rest-Only Myocardial CT Perfusion in Acute Chest Pain, Ricardo Cury


SCCT curriculum guidelines for general (level 1) cardiovascular CT training, Ricardo Cury


Strategy for building a successful coronary CT angiography program in the Emergency Department, Ricardo Cury

Stress Myocardial CT Perfusion: How to Do It, Ricardo Cury

Stress/Rest Myocardial CT Perfusion, Ricardo Cury


The lack of obstructive coronary artery disease on coronary CT angiography safely reduces downstream cost and resource utilization during subsequent chest pain presentations, Ricardo Cury


Reliability and Accuracy of Simple Visual Estimation in Assessment of Peripheral Arterial Stenosis, Mohammad Rajebi, James Benenati, Melanie Schernthaner, Gail Walker, Ripal Gandhi, Constantino Pena, and Barry Katzen Baptist Hospital of Miami; Miami Cardiac & Vascular Institute

Abstract 684: Principal Component Analysis Identifies Lipoprotein Subfractions Associated with Coronary Artery Calcification in a Young High Cardiometabolic Risk Population: The Baptist Employee Healthy Heart Study Study, Emir Veledar, Ehimen Aneni, Emeka osondu, Oluseye Ogunmoroti, Lara Roberson, Muhammad Latif, Omar Jamal, Shozabs Ali, Muhammad Aziz, Adnan Younus, Rameez Ahmad, Sher Khan, Janisse Post, Ricardo Cury, Theodore Feldman, and Khurram Nasir

Submissions from 2014

Abstract 14680: Relationship of Insulin Resistance with Impaired Endothelial Function & Coronary Atherosclerosis among High Risk Individuals Enrolled in a Web-Based Lifestyle Intervention Study: Baptist Employee Healthy Heart Study (BEHHS), Ehimen Aneni, Ebenezer Oni, Lara Roberson, Janisse Post, Gagandeep Nagi, Sameer Shaharyar, Omar Jamal, Shozab Ali, Rehan Malik, Muhammad Aziz, Adnan Younus, Chen Ye, Beatriz Rosell, Henry Guzman, Ricardo Cury, Jonathan Fialkow, Arthur Agatston, Emir Veledar, Theodore Feldman, and Khurram Nasir

Abstract 18588: Lipoprotein Sub-fractions by Ion Mobility Analysis Association with Burden of Subclinical Coronary Atherosclerosis in a High Risk Population: the Baptist Employee Healthy Heart Study (BEHHS), Ehimen Aneni, Emir Veledar, Ebenezer Oni, Lara Roberson, Janisse Post, Gagandeep Nagi, Sameer Shaharyar, Omar Jamal, Shozab Ali, Rehan Malik, Muhammad Aziz, Adnan Younus, Beatriz Rosell, Henry Guzman, Ricardo Cury, Michael Ozner, Jonathan Fialkow, Theodore Feldman, Arthur Agatston, and Khurram Nasir


ACR appropriateness criteria asymptomatic patient at risk for coronary artery disease, Ricardo Cury


Age-related risk of major adverse cardiac event risk and coronary artery disease extent and severity by coronary CT angiography: results from 15 187 patients from the International Multisite CONFIRM Study, Ricardo Cury


Bicuspid aortic valves: diagnostic accuracy of standard axial 64-slice chest CT compared to aortic valve image plane ECG-gated cardiac CT, Ricardo Cury

Cardiac CT at the Forefront of Noninvasive Coronary Imaging: What Has 2013 Taught Us?, Ricardo Cury

Forging Successful Relationships in a Non Fee-for-Service Environment, Ricardo Cury

Gender differences in the prevalence, severity, and composition of coronary artery disease in the young: a study of 1635 individuals undergoing coronary CT angiography from the prospective, multinational confirm registry, Ricardo Cury

How 1-Beat Comprehensive Cardiac Imaging Revolutionized Cardiac CT, Ricardo Cury


Incremental prognostic value of coronary computed tomographic angiography over coronary artery calcium score for risk prediction of major adverse cardiac events in asymptomatic diabetic individuals, Ricardo Cury


Left ventricular function and volume with coronary CT angiography improves risk stratification and identification of patients at risk for incident mortality: results from 7758 patients in the prospective multinational CONFIRM observational cohort study, Ricardo Cury

Measuring the Value of Radiology in a Post Volume World, Ricardo Cury

New Possibilities in Computed Tomography with Spectral Image and Volumetric CT, Ricardo Cury


President's page: coronary CT angiography as a gatekeeper to the catheterization laboratory, Ricardo Cury


President's page: patient-centered care, patient consumerism, and cardiac CT, Ricardo Cury


President's page: Ten years of innovation in cardiac CT, Ricardo Cury


Prognostic significance of calcified plaque among symptomatic patients with nonobstructive coronary artery disease, Ricardo Cury

Prognostic significance of calcified plaque among symptomatic patients with nonobstructive coronary artery disease, Ricardo Cury

Radiology Survival: A New Paradigm Shift to Value Added Services, Ricardo Cury

Recent Developments in Cardiac CT, Ricardo Cury


Regadenoson-stress myocardial CT perfusion and single-photon emission CT: rationale, design, and acquisition methods of a prospective, multicenter, multivendor comparison, Ricardo Cury


Safe and rapid disposition of low-to-intermediate risk patients presenting to the emergency department with chest pain: a 1-year high-volume single-center experience, Ricardo Cury


SCCT guidelines for the interpretation and reporting of coronary CT angiography: a report of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography Guidelines Committee, Ricardo Cury


SCCT guidelines on the use of coronary computed tomographic angiography for patients presenting with acute chest pain to the emergency department: a report of the Society of Cardiovascular Computed Tomography Guidelines Committee, Ricardo Cury

Sex-based prognostic implications of nonobstructive coronary artery disease: results from the international multicenter CONFIRM study, Ricardo Cury


Buerger Disease (Thromboangiitis Obliterans), Ian Del Conde-Pozzi and Constantino Pena

Abstract 17805: Association of LpPLA2 with Lipoprotein Subclasses, Inflammation, Atherosclerosis & Endothelial Dysfunction in a Web-Based Lifestyle Intervention Study: Baptist Employee Healthy Heart Study (BEHHS), Omar Jamal, Ehimen Aneni, Lara Roberson, Sameer Shaharyar, Adnan Younus, Shozab Ali, Beatriz Rosell, Ebenezer Oni, Henry Guzman, Chen Ye, Rehan Malik, Muhammad Aziz, Janisse Post, Ricardo Cury, Jonathan Fialkow, Michael Ozner, Theodore Feldman, Arthur Agatston, Emir Veledar, and Khurram Nasir

Abstract 19088: Independent Association of Lipoprotein Sub-fractions by Ion Mobility Analysis with Anthropometric and Ectopic Visceral fat on Cardiac CT Examinations in a High risk Population: The Baptist Employee Healthy Heart Study (BEHHS), Ebenezer Oni, Ehimen Aneni, Emir Veledar, Lara Roberson, Gagandeep Nagi, Sameer Shaharyar, Omar Jamal, Shozab Ali, Henry Guzman, Rehan Malik, Muhammad Aziz, Ricardo Cury, Jonathan Fialkow, Michael Ozner, Arthur Agatston, Janisse Post, Theodore Feldman, and Khurram Nasir

Computed tomography angiography and magnetic resonance angiography imaging in critical limb ischemia: an overview, Constantino Pena

CTA/MRA: When Do I Order These Tests, Which One and Why?, Constantino Pena

Image of Acute PE – Acute PE Pre-Course, Constantino Pena

The Role of Image Fusion in Aortic Procedures., Constantino Pena


Subclinical cardiovascular disease in plaque psoriasis: association or causal link?, Sameer Shaharyar, Shozab Ali, Adil Karim, Omar Jamal, Jonathan Fialkow, Ricardo Cury, and Khurram Nasir

Submissions from 2013


Acute myocardial ischemia due to septal branch occlusion of LAD: detection by computed tomography angiography, Ricardo Cury

Assessment of Ischemic and Non-ischemic Cardiomyopathies by Cardiac MRI, Ricardo Cury

Available Evidence for Stress Myocardial CT Perfusion., Ricardo Cury

Cardiac MRI in the Evaluation of Acute Coronary Syndromes, Ricardo Cury

Comprehensive Cardiac CT Study: Beyond Anatomy, Ricardo Cury


Coronary CT angiography versus standard of care for assessment of chest pain in the emergency department, Ricardo Cury

CTA for Physiologic Measure: Perfusion and FFR, Ricardo Cury

CT Angiography and CT Coronary Calcification- When Should They Be Used?, Ricardo Cury