
Submissions from 2012

What to Think About Drug-Eluting Balloons Above and Below the Knee, Barry Katzen

Why IR is Important to a Diagnostic Group, Barry Katzen

Why IR is Important to a Diagnostic Group, Barry Katzen

Approach to Treatment of Complex Cerebral Aneurysms, Italo Linfante

Approach to Treatment of Complex Cerebral Aneurysms, Italo Linfante

Challenging Acute Stroke Interventional Cases, Italo Linfante

Challenging Acute Stroke Interventional Cases, Italo Linfante

Endovascular Approach to Intracranial Stenosis and Vasospasm, Italo Linfante

Endovascular Approach to Intracranial Stenosis and Vasospasm, Italo Linfante

Endovascular Approach to Spinal Vascular Malformations, Italo Linfante

Endovascular Approach to Spinal Vascular Malformations, Italo Linfante

Revascularization Techniques in Acute Stroke, Italo Linfante

Revascularization Techniques in Acute Stroke, Italo Linfante

Spinal arteriovenous malformation associated with spinal metameric syndrome: a treatable cause of long-term paraplegia?, Italo Linfante, Guilherme Dabus, Sergio Gonzalez-Arias, and E.A. Samaniego


Closed-cell stent for coil embolization of intracranial aneurysms: clinical and angiographic results, Italo Linfante, E.A. Samaniego, and Guilherme Dabus


Coronary artery calcium and primary prevention risk assessment: what is the evidence? An updated meta-analysis on patient and physician behavior, Khurram Nasir


Coronary computed tomographic angiography and risk of all-cause mortality and nonfatal myocardial infarction in subjects without chest pain syndrome from the CONFIRM Registry (coronary CT angiography evaluation for clinical outcomes: an international multicenter registry), Khurram Nasir


Interplay of coronary artery calcification and traditional risk factors for the prediction of all-cause mortality in asymptomatic individuals, Khurram Nasir


Mortality rates in smokers and nonsmokers in the presence or absence of coronary artery calcification, Khurram Nasir


Relation of uric acid to serum levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, triglycerides, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and to hepatic steatosis, Khurram Nasir


Role of nonenhanced multidetector CT coronary artery calcium testing in asymptomatic and symptomatic individuals, Khurram Nasir

What is the role of calcium scoring in the age of coronary computed tomographic angiography?, Khurram Nasir

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Before and After Treatment, Constantino Pena

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms: Before and After Treatment, Constantino Pena

Carotid CT Agiography: Anatomy is More Important than Physiology, Constantino Pena

Carotid CT Agiography: Anatomy is More Important than Physiology, Constantino Pena

Endovascular Venous Surgery for Multiple Sclerosis: Will Compassionate Use Procedures Get Reimbursed in the Future?, Constantino Pena

Endovascular Venous Surgery for Multiple Sclerosis: Will Compassionate Use Procedures Get Reimbursed in the Future?, Constantino Pena

Femoro-Popliteal Stent Fractures: Is it the Beast the European Experience portrayed it to be?, Constantino Pena

Femoro-Popliteal Stent Fractures: is it the Beast the European Experience Portrayed it to Be?, Constantino Pena

Now that We Crossed, is There Evidence-Based Superiority of One Therapy Over Another?, Constantino Pena

Now that We Crossed, is There Evidence-Based Superiority of One Therapy Over Another?, Constantino Pena

Other Central Venous Occlusions, Constantino Pena

Peripheral Artery Disease: What Does MR and Ultrasound Add?, Constantino Pena

Peripheral Artery Disease: What Does MR and Ultrasound Add?, Constantino Pena

Peripheral Vascular Disease, Constantino Pena

Peripheral Vascular Disease, Constantino Pena

Popliteal Artery Aneurysm When and How to Treat, Constantino Pena

Popliteal Artery Aneurysm: When and How to Treat, Constantino Pena

Secondary Intervention Following EVAR, Constantino Pena

Secondary Intervention Following EVAR, Constantino Pena

Suprarenal X Infrarenal Fixation, Constantino Pena

Suprarenal X Infrarenal Fixation, Constantino Pena

The Role of Imaging Before, During and After DVT Therapy, Constantino Pena

Thoracic and Abdominal Aneurysm Repair, Constantino Pena

Chronic Total Coronary Occlusions: Rotablator, Tornus, IVUS etc., - A Case Studies Presentation, Ramon Quesada

How to Start a Transradial Program in Your Cath Lab, Ramon Quesada

Mastering the Radial Artery Access and Intervention Techniques, Ramon Quesada

Optimizing Transradial Interventions, Recognizing and Managing Complications, Ramon Quesada

Transradial Access for CTO: Patient Selection and Techniques, Ramon Quesada

Update Course in Complex Coronary Angioplasty, Ramon Quesada


Fibromuscular dysplasia-related carotid pseudoaneurysm and pulsatile tinnitus, Rohit Raj, Ripal Gandhi, and Barry Katzen


Techniques and results: intracranial stenting, E.A. Samaniego, Guilherme Dabus, and Italo Linfante


Intra-arterial thrombolysis: tissue plasminogen activator and other thrombolytic agents, E.A. Samaniego, Italo Linfante, and Guilherme Dabus


Transapical endovascular aortic repair to treat complex aortic pathologies, Heiko Uthoff, Lisardo Garcia-Covarrubias, Shaun Samuels, James Benenati, Niberto Moreno, and Barry Katzen


Direct percutaneous sac injection for postoperative endoleak treatment after endovascular aortic aneurysm repair, Heiko Uthoff, Barry Katzen, Ripal Gandhi, Constantino Pena, James Benenati, and Philipp Geisbusch


Symptomatic ascites caused by a longstanding posttraumatic mesenteric arteriovenous fistula, Heiko Uthoff, Constantino Pena, Fransicsco Contreras, and Barry Katzen


Current clinical practice in postoperative endovascular aneurysm repair imaging surveillance, Heiko Uthoff, Constantino Pena, Barry Katzen, Ripal Gandhi, James West, James Benenati, and Philipp Geisbusch

Submissions from 2011


Position statement by the Society of Interventional Radiology: maintenance of privileges for image-guided interventions, James Benenati


A comparison of reconstruction and viewing parameters on image quality and accuracy of stress myocardial CT perfusion, Ricardo Cury

Coronary CT angiography of patients with a normal body mass index using 80 kVp versus 100 kVp: a prospective, multicenter, multivendor randomized trial, Ricardo Cury


Dipyridamole stress and rest transmural myocardial perfusion ratio evaluation by 64 detector-row computed tomography, Ricardo Cury


Incremental value of myocardial perfusion over regional left ventricular function and coronary stenosis by cardiac CT for the detection of acute coronary syndromes in high-risk patients: a subgroup analysis of the ROMICAT trial, Ricardo Cury


Use of 100 kV versus 120 kV in cardiac dual source computed tomography: effect on radiation dose and image quality, Ricardo Cury

Cardiovascular disease and stroke in women: role of radiology, Ricardo Cury, Gudrun Feuchtner, and Guilherme Dabus


Cardiac CT in the emergency department: convincing evidence, but cautious implementation, Ricardo Cury, Gudrun Feuchtner, Carol Mascioli, Jonathan Fialkow, Paul Andrulonis, Tomas Villanueva, Constantino Pena, Warren Janowitz, Barry Katzen, and Jack Ziffer


Cervical epidural arteriovenous fistula presenting with radiculopathy: transvenous embolization using Onyx, Guilherme Dabus

Endovascular stroke therapy: a single-center retrospective review, Guilherme Dabus


Endovascular treatment of visceral and renal artery aneurysms, Vahid Etezadi, Ripal Gandhi, James Benenati, Paul Rochon, Matthew Benenati, Sara Alehashemi, Barry Katzen, and Philipp Geisbusch


Retroperitoneal versus direct femoral artery approach for thoracic endovascular aortic repair access: a case-control study, Vahid Etezadi, Barry Katzen, James Benenati, Sara Alehashemi, Athanassious Tsoukas, and Orlando Puente


Percutaneous suture-mediated closure versus surgical arteriotomy in endovascular aortic aneurysm repair, Vahid Etezadi, Barry Katzen, Amer Naiem, and James Benenati


Adenosine stress high-pitch 128-slice dual-source myocardial computed tomography perfusion for imaging of reversible myocardial ischemia: comparison with magnetic resonance imaging, Gudrun Feuchtner and Ricardo Cury


Aortic aneurysm pressure sensors can be of value in the acute postoperative setting, Ripal Gandhi, Barry Katzen, Athanassious Tsoukas, and Philipp Geisbusch


Local anaesthesia for endovascular repair of infrarenal aortic aneurysms, Philipp Geisbusch, Barry Katzen, Rafael Machado, James Benenati, Constantino Pena, and Athanassious Tsoukas


Simultaneous complete supraaortic debranching and thoracic aortic endografting in an angiography suite setting, Philipp Geisbusch, Barry Katzen, Niberto Moreno, James Benenati, Alex Powell, Athanassious Tsoukas, and Lisardo Garcia-Covarrubias


Endovascular repair of infrarenal aortic aneurysms in octogenarians and nonagenarians, Philipp Geisbusch, Barry Katzen, Athanassious Tsoukas, Dillon Arango, Constantino Pena, and James Benenati


Self-expandable stents in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke refractory to current thrombectomy devices, Italo Linfante, E.A. Samaniego, Philipp Geisbusch, and Guilherme Dabus


Unusual presentation of long-standing aortic coarctation, Rohit Raj, Ripal Gandhi, Daniel Golik, Constantino Pena, and James Benenati


Endovascular treatment of severe vasospasm in nonaneurysmal perimesencephalic subarachnoid hemorrhage, E.A. Samaniego, Guilherme Dabus, Karel Fuentes, and Italo Linfante

Avoiding complications in neurosurgical interventional procedures, E.A. Samaniego, Guilherme Dabus, and Italo Linfante


Rare anatomical variations of persistent trigeminal artery in two patients with non-aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, E.A. Samaniego, Guilherme Dabus, and Italo Linfante


Stenting in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke: literature review, E.A. Samaniego, Guilherme Dabus, and Italo Linfante

Submissions from 2010


Interventional endovascular management of chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency in patients with multiple sclerosis: a position statement by the Society of Interventional Radiology, endorsed by the Canadian Interventional Radiology Association, James Benenati


Cardiac CT angiography for the diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse: comparison with echocardiography1, Ricardo Cury


Comparison of the accuracy of multidetector computed tomography versus two-dimensional echocardiography to measure left atrial volume, Ricardo Cury


Dipyridamole stress and rest myocardial perfusion by 64-detector row computed tomography in patients with suspected coronary artery disease, Ricardo Cury


Direct comparison of rest and adenosine stress myocardial perfusion CT with rest and stress SPECT, Ricardo Cury


The reentry catheter: a second chance for endoluminal reentry at difficult lower extremity subintimal arterial recanalizations, Vahid Etezadi, James Benenati, Rahul Patel, Alex Powell, and Barry Katzen


Endovascular treatment of popliteal artery aneurysms: a single-center experience, Vahid Etezadi, Constantino Pena, James Benenati, Rahul Patel, and Barry Katzen


Cardiac computed tomography in the emergency department: A patient with acute epigastric pain, Vahid Etezadi, Constantino Pena, Angelo La-Pietra, Jack Ziffer, Barry Katzen, and Ricardo Cury


Enhanced cell therapy strategy to treat chronic limb-threatening ischemia, Darwin Eton


Nitinol stent implantation versus balloon angioplasty for lesions in the superficial femoral artery and proximal popliteal artery: twelve-month results from the RESILIENT randomized trial, Barry Katzen


Skiing and intermittant claudication: an aberrant presentation, Barry Katzen


Hybrid interventional radiology, Barry Katzen, Jane Kiah, Debbie Smith, Debra Denny, and Melanie Stoia


Racial differences in women's prodromal and acute symptoms of myocardial infarction, Margaret Kovacs

Use of a vascular reconstruction device to salvage acute ischemic occlusions refractory to traditional endovascular recanalization methods, Italo Linfante


Intra-arterial abciximab for the treatment of thrombus formation during coil embolization of intracranial aneurysms, Italo Linfante, Vahid Etezadi, and Sara Alehashemi


Treating the diseased superficial femoral artery, Constantino Pena and James Benenati


The first provocative test for coronary artery spasm at the Cleveland Clinic, Wayne Siegel

Submissions from 2009


Adenosine-induced stress myocardial perfusion imaging using dual-source cardiac computed tomography, Ricardo Cury

Evaluation of aortic root and valve calcifications by multi-detector computed tomography, Ricardo Cury


Noncardiac findings on cardiac CT. Part II: spectrum of imaging findings, Ricardo Cury


Noncardiac findings on cardiac CT Part I: Pros and Cons, Ricardo Cury

Endovascular treatment of femoral-popliteal disease, Adam Geronemus and Constantino Pena


Predictors of survival following open and endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms, Barry Katzen


Cerecyte versus platinum coils in the treatment of intracranial aneurysms: packing attenuation and clinical and angiographic midterm results, Italo Linfante


Internal carotid artery stenting in patients over 80 years of age: single-center experience and review of the literature, Italo Linfante


Performance and training standards for endovascular ischemic stroke treatment, Italo Linfante

Submissions from 2008


Acute chest pain imaging in the emergency department with cardiac computed tomography angiography, Ricardo Cury, Constantino Pena, Warren Janowitz, Barry Katzen, and Jack Ziffer


Fenestrated and branched endografts: why we need them now, Nicolas Diehm, Samuel Baum, and James Benenati


Staged bilateral carotid stenting, an effective strategy in high-risk patients - insights from a prospective multicenter trial, Nicolas Diehm and Barry Katzen


Influence of stent type on hemodynamic depression after carotid artery stent placement, Nicolas Diehm, Barry Katzen, Margaret Kovacs, Gerald Zemel, Alex Powell, Shaun Samuels, and James Benenati


Sixty-four-detector CT angiography of infrarenal aortic neck length and angulation: prospective analysis of interobserver variability, Nicolas Diehm, Barry Katzen, Shaun Samuels, Constantino Pena, and Alex Powell


Adequacy of an early arterial phase low-volume contrast protocol in 64-detector computed tomography angiography for aortoiliac aneurysms, Nicolas Diehm, Constantino Pena, James Benenati, and Barry Katzen


Matched-pair analysis of endovascular versus open surgical repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms in young patients at low risk, Nicolas Diehm, Athanassious Tsoukas, Barry Katzen, James Benenati, Samuel Baum, and Constantino Pena


Long-term results of carotid stenting versus endarterectomy in high-risk patients, Barry Katzen


Randomized, multicenter study comparing expanded polytetrafluoroethylene-covered endoprosthesis placement with percutaneous transluminal angioplasty in the treatment of superficial femoral artery occlusive disease, Barry Katzen

Submissions from 2007


Long-term outcome from uterine fibroid embolization with tris-acryl gelatin microspheres: results of a multicenter study, James Benenati


Anemia is associated with abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) size and decreased long-term survival after endovascular AAA repair, Nicolas Diehm, James Benenati, Ramon Quesada, Athanassious Tsoukas, Barry Katzen, and Margaret Kovacs


Carotid artery stenting with emboli protection surveillance study: thirty-day results of the CASES-PMS study, Barry Katzen

Complications in Endovascular Therapy, Barry Katzen


Increased levels of uric acid predict haemodynamic compromise in patients with heart failure independently of B-type natriuretic peptide levels, Marcus St. John

Submissions from 2006


Carotid stenting with distal protection in high surgical risk patients: the BEACH trial 30 day results, Barry Katzen


Complications of endovascular repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms: a review, Barry Katzen

Submissions from 2005


Training, competency, and credentialing standards for diagnostic cervicocerebral angiography, carotid stenting, and cerebrovascular intervention: a joint statement from the American Academy of Neurology, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology, the American Society of Neuroradiology, the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, the AANS/CNS Cerebrovascular Section, and the Society of Interventional Radiology, John Connors III


Feasibility trial of carotid stenting with and without an embolus protection device, Barry Katzen


Interventional radiology: transformation into a clinical discipline, Barry Katzen


Bivalirudin as an anticoagulation agent: safety and efficacy in peripheral interventions, Barry Katzen, Maria Ardid, Alexandra MacLean, Margaret Kovacs, Gerald Zemel, James Benenati, Alex Powell, and Shaun Samuels


Endovascular repair of abdominal and thoracic aortic aneurysms, Barry Katzen and Alexandra MacLean


Past, present, and future endograft devices, Barry Katzen and Alexandra MacLean


Retrograde migration of an abdominal aortic aneurysm endograft leading to postoperative renal failure, Barry Katzen, Alexandra MacLean, and Howard Katzman

Submissions from 2004


Why take the vascular and interventional radiology maintenance of certification examination or maintain a subspecialty certificate in vascular and interventional radiology?, Gary Becker


Pharmacologic agents in stroke prevention, acute stroke therapy, and interventional procedures, John Connors III


Training, competency, and credentialing standards for carotid stenting, John Connors III


Training, competency, and credentialing standards for diagnostic cervicocerebral angiography, carotid stenting, and cerebrovascular intervention, John Connors III


Training, competency, and credentialing standards for diagnostic cervicocerebral angiography, carotid stenting, and cerebrovascular intervention: a joint statement from the American Academy of Neurology, the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, the American Society of Interventional and Therapeutic Neuroradiology, the American Society of Neuroradiology, the Congress of Neurological Surgeons, the AANS/CNS Cerebrovascular Section, and the Society of Interventional Radiology, John Connors III


Protected carotid-artery stenting versus endarterectomy in high-risk patients, Barry Katzen


Obtaining pride through specialization: the certification process, Mary Myrthil

Submissions from 2003


Carotid artery angioplasty and stent placement: quality improvement guidelines to ensure stroke risk reduction, John Connors III and Gary Becker


Carotid artery angioplasty and stent placement: quality improvement guidelines to ensure stroke risk reduction, John Connors III and Gary Becker


Computed tomographic detection of coronary artery calcification, Warren Janowitz


Five-year interim comparison of the Guidant bifurcated endograft with open repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm, Barry Katzen


In vitro evaluation of a retrievable low-profile nitinol vena cava filter, Barry Katzen

Optimal resources for the examination and endovascular treatment of the peripheral and visceral vascular systems. AHA Intercouncil Report on Peripheral and Visceral Angiographic and Interventional Laboratories, Barry Katzen


Implications of problematic access in transluminal endografting of abdominal aortic aneurysm, Megumi Mathison, Gary Becker, Barry Katzen, James Benenati, Gerald Zemel, Alex Powell, and Marjorie Lima

Submissions from 2002


The importance of increasing public and physician awareness of peripheral arterial disease, Gary Becker, Margaret Kovacs, and Barry Katzen


Transluminal repair of abdominal aortic aneurysm: a call for selective use, careful surveillance, new device design, and systematic study of transrenal fixation, Gary Becker, Margaret Kovacs, and Megumi Mathison


Thrombin injection for pseudoaneurysm occlusion: technical considerations, Steven Kang

Clinical diagnosis and prognosis of acute limb ischemia, Barry Katzen


The future of catheter-based angiography: implications for the vascular interventionalist, Barry Katzen


Percutaneous ultrasound-guided thrombin injection for the treatment of pseudoaneurysms, Alex Powell, James Benenati, Gary Becker, Barry Katzen, and Gerald Zemel

Submissions from 2001


2000 RSNA annual oration in diagnostic radiology: The future of interventional radiology, Gary Becker


Risk stratification and outcomes of transluminal endografting for abdominal aortic aneurysm: 7-year experience and long-term follow-up, Gary Becker, Margaret Kovacs, Megumi Mathison, Barry Katzen, James Benenati, Gerald Zemel, Alex Powell, Jose Almeida, Jose Alvarez Jr., Abilio Coello, Michael Ingegno, Steven Kanter, Howard Katzman, Orlando Puente, Ian Reiss, Ignacio Rua, Robert Gordon, and Julio Baquero


Thrombolytic and antiplatelet therapy in peripheral vascular disease with use of reteplase and/or abciximab. The SCVIR Consultants' Conference; May 22, 2000; Orlando, FL. Society for Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology, James Benenati


CT imaging of coronary artery calcium as an indicator of atherosclerotic disease: an overview, Warren Janowitz


Current status of mechanical computed tomography in cardiac imaging, Warren Janowitz


Percutaneous treatment of symptomatic vertebral artery stenosis with coronary stents, Barry Katzen


Update on the bifurcated EXCLUDER endoprosthesis: phase I results, Barry Katzen


The influence of female gender on the outcome of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, Megumi Mathison, Gary Becker, Barry Katzen, James Benenati, Gerald Zemel, Alex Powell, Margaret Kovacs, and Marjorie Lima


Postoperative management: type I and III endoleaks, Alex Powell, James Benenati, Gary Becker, Barry Katzen, Gerald Zemel, and Srinivas Tummala


Postoperative management: buttock claudication and limb thrombosis, Alex Powell, Lee Fox, James Benenati, Barry Katzen, Gary Becker, and Gerald Zemel

Submissions from 2000


Initial results of reteplase in the treatment of acute lower extremity arterial occlusions, Mark Davidian, Alex Powell, James Benenati, Barry Katzen, Gary Becker, and Gerald Zemel

Submissions from 1999


The 1999 Charles T. Dotter Lecture. Interventional radiology 2000 and beyond: back from the brink, Gary Becker

Measurement of Coronary Artery Calcium in Elderly Patients, Warren Janowitz


May-Thurner syndrome in an adolescent: persistence despite operative management, Cristina Simon, Jose Alvarez Jr., Gary Becker, Barry Katzen, James Benenati, and Gerald Zemel

Submissions from 1998


The double-tuck model: a new animal model of arterial thrombosis, Gary Becker


Stent grafts for aortic aneurysms: the next interventional challenge, Barry Katzen, Gary Becker, James Benenati, and Gerald Zemel

Submissions from 1997


Current and future treatment of carotid bifurcation atherosclerotic disease: a perspective, Gary Becker


There is no playing field and vascular intervention is not a game, Gary Becker


Coronary arteries: retrospective cardiac gating technique to reduce cardiac motion artifact at spiral CT, Warren Janowitz

Submissions from 1996


The vascular center: a model for multidisciplinary delivery of vascular care for the future, Gary Becker and Barry Katzen


Endovascular stent grafts: the beginning of the future, or the beginning of the end?, Barry Katzen


Creation of a modified angiography (endovascular) suite for transluminal endograft placement and combined interventional-surgical procedures, Barry Katzen, Gary Becker, Carol Mascioli, James Benenati, Gerald Zemel, Elizabeth Roll-Mazzei, Jose Alvarez Jr., Orlando Puente, and Steven Kanter

Submissions from 1995


Intravascular ultrasound. The role in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, James Benenati


Current status of digital angiography in vascular imaging, Barry Katzen


Multicenter investigation of the role of transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt in management of portal hypertension, Gerald Zemel

Submissions from 1994

Fragments from atheromas freed for distal embolization, Gary Becker


Should metallic vascular stents be used to treat cerebrovascular occlusive diseases?, Gary Becker


Percutaneous angioplasty for atherosclerotic renal artery disease: effect on renal function in azotemic patients, Gary Becker, Judy Brown, Gerald Zemel, James Benenati, and Barry Katzen


Percutaneous excimer laser coronary angioplasty: results in the first consecutive 3,000 patients. The ELCA Investigators, Daniel Krauthamer


Persistently increased expression of the transforming growth factor-beta1 gene in human vascular restenosis: Analysis of 62 patients with one or more episode of restenosis, Gerald Zemel

Submissions from 1993


Angioplasty, bypass surgery, and amputation for lower extremity peripheral arterial disease in Maryland: a closer look, Gary Becker

Submissions from 1992


Neutralized lidocaine: use in pain reduction in local anesthesia, James Benenati, Gary Becker, and Barry Katzen


Current status of intravascular ultrasonography, Barry Katzen


Superior mesenteric artery embolism: treatment with intraarterial urokinase, Barry Katzen


Low-dose urokinase regimen for the treatment of lower extremity arterial and graft occlusions: experience in 132 cases, Suzanne LeBlang, Gary Becker, James Benenati, Gerald Zemel, Barry Katzen, and D. Skip Sallee


Excimer laser coronary angioplasty, James Margolis and Sameer Mehta


Technical advances in transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts, Gerald Zemel, Gary Becker, Josiah Bancroft, James Benenati, and Barry Katzen

Submissions from 1991


Intravascular stents. General principles and status of lower-extremity arterial applications, Gary Becker


Standards for evaluating and reporting the results of surgical and percutaneous therapy for peripheral arterial disease, Gary Becker


Optimal resources for peripheral vascular intervention, Barry Katzen


Refinements widen utility of interventional devices, Barry Katzen


The role of radiologists in the American Heart Association: getting the message out, Barry Katzen


Restenosis after coronary angioplasty: a multivariate statistical model to relate lesion and procedure variables to restenosis. The M-HEART Investigators, James Margolis


Diffuse embolization following percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty of occluded vein grafts: the blush phenomenon, James Margolis, Sameer Mehta, Cheng-Yun Chen, and Daniel Krauthamer


Long-term patency of arterialized cephalic vein used as a conduit for coronary artery bypass grafting, Sameer Mehta, Steven Levine, James Margolis, Jose Martin, Daniel Krauthamer, and Ernest Traad


Compact contrast material bolus with a new 5-F angiographic catheter, Gerald Zemel, James Benenati, Gary Becker, Barry Katzen, and D. Skip Sallee


Percutaneous transjugular portosystemic shunt, Gerald Zemel, Barry Katzen, Gary Becker, James Benenati, and D. Skip Sallee

Submissions from 1990


The cause of superior vena cava syndrome: diagnosis with percutaneous atherectomy, Michael Dake, Gerald Zemel, Bart Dolmatch, and Barry Katzen


Directional atherectomy in the treatment of stenotic dialysis access fistulas, Gerald Zemel, Barry Katzen, Michael Dake, James Benenati, Todd Lampert, and Lee Moskowitz

Submissions from 1989


Blue toe syndrome: treatment with percutaneous atherectomy, Bart Dolmatch, Lee Moskowitz, Michael Dake, Jack Kaplan, and Barry Katzen


Noncoronary angioplasty, Barry Katzen and Michael Dake


Developing an interventional radiology practice in a community hospital: the interventional radiologist as an equal partner in patient care, Barry Katzen, Jack Kaplan, and Michael Dake


Coronary artery spasm complicating PTCA: role of intracoronary nitroglycerin, James Margolis and Cheng-Yun Chen