Submissions from 2013
Effect of Statin Treatment on Coronary Plaque Progression: A Serial CT Angiography Study, Khurram Nasir
Elevated Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase is Independently Associated with Burden of Subclinical Vascular Inflammation, Arthur Agatston and Khurram Nasir
Eligibility for Polypill Therapy, Subclinical Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Events - National Implications for the Appropriate Use of Preventive Pharmacotherapy: Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), Arthur Agatston and Khurram Nasir
Incidental Abdominal Aortic Calcification on Non-Contrast Abdominal Computed Tomography: Impact on Outcomes and Risk Reclassification, Khurram Nasir
Leptin and Incident Heart Failure in Women versus Men: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Artherosclerosis (MESA), Khurram Nasir
Long Term Prognostic Value of Coronary CT Angiography for Prediction of Cardiovascular Events and Mortality, Khurram Nasir
Pre-Hypertension is Strongly Associated with Delayed Heart-Rate Recovery during Exercise Stress Test, Arthur Agatston and Khurram Nasir
Relation of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease to the Metabolic Syndrome: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Artherosclerosis, Khurram Nasir
Robotic Assisted Lobectomy-Step by Step, Mark Dylewski
Robotic Assisted Thoracic Surgery- Why and for what reason, Mark Dylewski
Robotic Foregut & Bariatric Surgery and Robotic Single Port Surgery, Anthony Gonzalez
Sports Hernia Repair, David Edelman
Standardizing photographic views for documenting clinical results, Felix Freshwater
Statin Use is Not Associated with Presence of and Severity of Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease, Arthur Agatston and Khurram Nasir
The Association of Human Resistin and Cardiovascular Disease in the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis (MESA), Khurram Nasir
The Nightmare Scan: Examples and preventing Sub-Optimal Results, Jack Ziffer
Tipping the Scales: Big Policies to Change the World from fat to Fit, Ana Viamonte Ros
Triage of patients presenting with chest pain to the emergency department: implementation of coronary CT angiography in a large urban health care system, Ricardo Cury, Gudrun Feuchtner, Juan Batlle, Constantino Pena, Warren Janowitz, Barry Katzen, and Jack Ziffer
Umbilical Hernia Repair, David Edelman
Submissions from 2012
Coronary artery calcium for the prediction of mortality in young adults <45 years old and elderly adults>75 years old, Arthur Agatston and Khurram Nasir
Impact of coronary artery calcification on all-cause mortality in individuals with and without hypertension, Arthur Agatston and Khurram Nasir
Robotics - The answer to the Achilles' heel of VATS pulmonary resection, Mark Dylewski