
Submissions from 2018


Endocrine Surgery: A Hopkins Legacy, Robert Udelsman


MI: Not a Heart Attack but a Gut Attack, Rosemary Lee and Ana Cabrera


Parathyroid, Thyroid and Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Anatomy in an Indian Rhinoceros (Rhinoceros unicornis), Robert Udelsman


Statin Trials, Cardiovascular Events, and Coronary Artery Calcification: Implications for a Trial-Based Approach to Statin Therapy in MESA, Khurram Nasir


The Evolving Role of Tumor Treating Fields in Managing Glioblastoma: Guide for Oncologists, Minesh Mehta


The long-term survival of robotic lobectomy for non-small cell lung cancer: A multi-institutional study, Mark Dylewski


The relationship of erectile dysfunction and subclinical cardiovascular disease: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Emeka Osondu, Emir Veledar, Theodore Feldman, Arthur Agatston, Khurram Nasir, and Ehimen Aneni

Whiplash, Ronald Tolchin


Comparison of Prevalence, Awareness, Treatment, and Control of Cardiovascular Risk Factors in China and the United States, Khurram Nasir


Burden of Catastrophic Health Expenditures for Acute Myocardial Infarction and Stroke Among Uninsured in the United States, Anshul Saxena and Khurram Nasir


Cardiovascular Risk and Statin Eligibility of Young Adults After an Myocardial Infarction: Partners YOUNG-MI Registry, Khurram Nasir


National Trends in Nonstatin Use and Expenditures Among the US Adult Population From 2002 to 2013: Insights From Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, Joseph Salami, Javier Valero-Elizondo, Barry Katzen, and Khurram Nasir


Relation of Coronary Artery Calcium and Extra-Coronary Aortic Calcium to Incident Hypertension (from the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis), Khurram Nasir


Control versus cognition: the changing paradigm of adjuvant therapy for resected brain metastasis, Minesh Mehta


Genotype-Phenotype Correlation in NF1: Evidence for a More Severe Phenotype Associated with Missense Mutations Affecting NF1 Codons 844-848, Arelis Martir-Negron


Temozolomide, sirolimus and chloroquine is a new therapeutic combination that synergizes to disrupt lysosomal function and cholesterol homeostasis in GBM cells, Minesh Mehta


Abstract 1216: ASSOCIATION OF OPTIMAL PATIENT-CENTERED OUTCOMES AND TELE-ICU FOR PROGRESSIVE CARE CARDIOLOGY, Donna Lee Armaignac, Carlos Valle, Emir Veledar, Louis Gidel, Leslee Gross, Lisa-Mae Williams, and Anshul Saxena


Abstract 1219: OPTIMAL PATIENT-CENTERED OUTCOMES FOR HIGHER-ACUITY CHEST AND EPIGASTRIC PAIN WITH TELEMEDICINE, Donna Lee Armaignac, Emir Veledar, Carlos Valle, Louis Gidel, Julie Lamoureux, and Leslee Gross

Abstract 12916: Cost-Related Medication Non-Adherence in Nonelderly With Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in the United States, 2013-2016, Anshul Saxena

Abstract 14591: Cost-Effectiveness of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association and US Preventative Services Task Force Cholesterol Management Guidelines: The Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis, Anshul Saxena

Abstract 14928: Burden and Consequences of Medical Debt From Healthcare Bills Among Non-Elderly Adults With Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease in the United States, Anshul Saxena

Abstract 16990: Impact of 2013 ACC/AHA Cholesterol Management Guidelines on Statins Use Among Nationally Representative Adult Populations in United States: Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (2010-2015), Joseph Salami, Anshul Saxena, Victor Okunrintemi, and Emir Veledar

Abstract 17177: Cost of Hospitalizations Related to Hypertension (HTN) and Acute Myocardial Infraction (AMI) Related Events: Result From the 2014 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey, Emir Veledar, Anshul Saxena, Muni Rubens, Sankalp Das, and Peter McGranaghan

Abstract 17208: Trends in Hospitalizations Due to Cocaine-Induced Acute Myocardial Infarction: Results From National Inpatient Sample, 2005-2014, Anshul Saxena, Muni Rubens, Sankalp Das, Peter McGranaghan, and Emir Veledar

Abstract 240: Association of Depression Risk With Patient Experience, Healthcare Expenditure and Health Resource Utilization Among Adults With Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease, Victor Okunrintemi, Javier Valero-Elizondo, Joseph Salami, Oluseye Ogunmoroti, Emeka Osondu, and Khurram Nasir