
Refractory coccydynia is a condition characterized by severe coccygeal pain and poses a challenging management dilemma for clinicians. Advancements in neuromodulation (NM) technology have provided benefits to people experiencing chronic pain that is resistant to standard treatments. This review aims to summarize the spectrum of current NM techniques employed in the treatment of refractory coccydynia along with their effectiveness. A review of studies in the scientific literature from 2012 to 2023 was conducted, revealing a limited number of case reports. Although the available evidence at this time suggests significant pain relief with the utilization of NM techniques, the limited scope and nature of the studies reviewed emphasize the need for large-scale, rigorous, high-level research in this domain in order to establish a comprehensive understanding of the role of NM and its effectiveness in the management of intractable coccydynia

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