SMART Recruitment and Consent: The Road to Success in a Hybrid Academic Community Cancer Center


The Miami Cancer Institute Biospecimen Repository Facility has become a vital resource for cancer research, providing biospecimens and associated clinical data to translational research scientists. The implementation of a robust infrastructure that enables high patient participation requires sub-stantial strategic planning. Achieving maximal patient participation can be hindered by lack of physician involvement and implementation of a well-organized strategic approach. Our physicians were not fully aware of the value of our Program, leading to a lack of trust by patients. Key ancil-lary staff were only partially engaged and our team was not entirely cognizant of the clinical areas where potential participants could be effectively approached. Our Program was introduced at op-erational staff meetings, promoting our services and presenting our objectives. Champion physi-cians were identified, inspiring others to follow. Patient flow was analyzed to identify main hubs of newly diagnosed patients and surgical cases. A SMART strategy, an adaptive model for consenting staff allocation was implemented to enable concentration of efforts in patient hubs. Feedback was requested from other Department leaders and staff to determine where our presence would create a disruptive impact in clinical operations. Physician familiarity with our Program helped them identify, inform, and refer patients. Consequently, when approached, patients trust the information provided and are more willing to participate. The positive support and constructive feedback from other departments has been instrumental in identifying high volume in specific areas, leading to a 30% increase in participants since implementation. We continue creating powerful collaborative structures to fulfill our Program’s mission.

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Presented At:

14th Annual BHSF Research Conference

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