Purpose: As novice nurses begin their transition into their new roles, they face stress and pressure to learn new practices, policies, procedures, and information they need to assimilate into their new roles. They quickly discover during this time they constantly are having to access information and encounter the need to remember a great deal of it which is essential for the delivery of patient care. Does the novice nurse perception of the use of The Pocket Brain notebook during the orientation period as an aid facilitate retaining and remembering vital information needed for delivering patient care and decision making on a medical surgical unit? The purpose of the study is to contribute to a body of literature focusing on the novice nurse’s perception on The Pocket Brain tool during orientation and explore the experiences of novice nurses and determine if the use of The Pocket Brain will help retain essential information needed for the delivery of patient care and decision making.
Method: Husserl’s phenomenology approach was chosen to underpin the research design, to allow participants to express their lived experience of the phenomenon of being a novice nurse using The Pocket Brain. This qualitative study purposeful sampling consistent of 10 or less novice nurses, from medical surgical. The nurses selected must have two years or less of experience and were part of the nurse residency program during the orientation period. The interview is composed of 16 questions. Data will be analyzed using Grounded Analysis.
Summary: The Pocket Brain is an innovative tool used to help novice nurses during orientation. This study will help organizations engage nurses with tools that will promote orientation success. Used during the orientation period The Pocket Brain is an aid that will facilitate retaining and remembering vital information needed for delivering patient care and decision making on a medical surgical unit. Data it’s currently being analyzed and the results with the completion of the study is expected by the month of May.
Publication Date
Presented At:
12th Annual BHSF Research Conference
Content Type
Baptist Health South Florida Affiliations:
Sally Bonet, MSN Ed, RN
Vicky McCue, MSN, RN, CPN
Tanya Cohn, PhD, MEd, RN
Bonet, Sally; McCue, Victoria; and Cohn, Tanya, "The Novice Nurses’ Perception of The Pocket Brain: A Tool to Facilitate Learning During Orientation" (2017). All Publications. 2111.
Abstract Presentation (Research/EBP/PI) Nominee - WKBH Nurses Week Oscars Award Celebration