Background and Purpose: The majority of patients admitted to the hospital will likely have a peripheral IV catheter inserted at some point during their stay. There is very little data available on the management of these catheters from a global perspective. The One Million Global (OMG) peripheral intravenous catheters (PIVC) study was an international prevalence study targeting assessment and management of PIVCs across more than 50 countries. The purpose of this study was to gather prevalence data on PIVC use globally, to identify those healthcare facilities using best practice, and identify knowledge-practice gaps in PIVC care and management.
Methods: A prevalence study was conducted in each of the BHSF hospitals on a designated day. A validated data collection tool was used to collect PIVC data on all hospitalized patients. All data to be collected was de-identified and no physical intervention occurred.
A total of 480 patients participated throughout Baptist Health in addition to 413 hospitals in 51 countries.
Results: From a global perspective there were four key areas of concern identified by the study findings: a high percentage of PIVCs left in situ with no reason; the lack of IV documentation; the number of PIVCs with signs of phlebitis or infiltration; and the number of IV dressings that were soiled, loose or lifting, placing the cannula at risk of dislodgement. Findings within Baptist Health mirrored the global results.
Conclusions: The findings from this study have identified a knowledge-practice gap worldwide in PIVC care and management. Baptist Health will utilize the findings to address the specific needs of each facility to improve PIVC care.
Publication Date
Presented At:
12th Annual BHSF Research Conference
Content Type
Baptist Health South Florida Affiliations:
Pamela A Sabatino Holmes, ARNP,MSN, CRNI
Sabatino-Holmes, Pam, "One Million Global Catheters PIVC Worldwide Prevalence Study" (2017). All Publications. 2103.
Open Access
Available to all.
Poster revised 7/28/17 to correct typographical errors (Background section: know/known; counties/countries).