Submissions from 2025
Workplace Violence: Clinical Nurse Impacts Feeling Safe through Evidence-Based Practice, Kristina Perez
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Adjust Staffing Levels in the Emergency Department, Marisel Perigo and Haydee Fernandez
Submissions from 2024
Universal Onboarding: Impacting Satisfaction and Turnover, Joanne Aberilla and Julia Caballero
Lessening Nurses' Burden: AI Enhanced Fall Risk Prediction, Joanne Aberilla and Andrea Tilleman
Collaborative Nurses Leading the Way to Quality & Safety Improvement Utilizing a Home-grown Mock Survey - "Continuous Readiness Rounds" (CRR), Rosalina Butao, Eva Mitra, Gen Crespo, Christina Fontaine, and Alex Duarte
Digital Smart Room: Nurse-Led Innovation Implementation, Jessica Hucey Nua
Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance Through Electronic Monitoring, Ruth Navarro, Lupe Almaguer, Andrea Tilleman, Ayesha Pacheco, Sebastian Zuluaga, Bianca De La Barra, and Hector Vega
Improving Hand Hygiene Compliance through Electronic Monitoring System, Ruth Navarro, Lupe Almaguer, Andrea Tilleman, Ayesha Pacheco, Sebastian Zuluaga, Bianca De La Barra, and Hector Vega
Rapid Response Team Debrief Restructure and Pause: A Quality Improvement Pilot Project, Yannick Odiete
Evidence-Based Clinical Audits Translate to Improved Patient Outcome, Kristy Perez
Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Adjust Staffing Levels in the Emergency Department, Marisel Perigo and Haydee Fernandez
Staying Ahead of the PACC: Improving Postpartum Maternal Health, Cristiana Rivas, Suganya Gobinathan, Nerlande Joseph, and Yenny Giraldo
Nursing Advocacy Reduces Surgical Site Infections, Zebina Rodger and Claudia Chanes
Exploring Bedside Mobility Assessment Tool Impact on Patient Outcomes, Sandra Torres, Angela Ramirez, Nicole Boswell, Sigrid Somarriba, Simone Cheong, and Natalie Bermudez
Retrospectively Exploring Differences, Relationships, and Predictors associated with the Bedside Mobility Assessment Tool and Patient Outcomes, Sandra Torres, Angela Ramirez, Nicole Boswell, Sigrid Somarriba, Simone Cheong, and Natalie Bermudez
Submissions from 2023
Universal Onboarding: Impacting Satisfaction and Turnover, Joanne Aberilla and Julia Caballero
Universal Onboarding: Impacting Satisfaction and Turnover, Joanne Aberilla and Julia Caballero
Leveraging Technology to Elevate ICU Patient Outcomes, Joanne Aberilla and Janet Maloney
Fully Relieved: Interprofessional MDRPI Prevention, Jo Ann Aberilla, Dhanya Paul, Liset Plasencia, and Jenn Romero
Leveraging Leadership Strategies and Unit Outcomes by Decreasing Hospital Acquired Conditions with an Innovative Role Mobility Associate, Kristine Aguinaldo and Myla Malto
NURSES' leading the mantra "Gel in & Gel Out": To decrease the organizations HAI, Rosalina Butao and Dennise de Pascale
NURSES' Leading the Mantra "Gel in & Gel Out": To Decrease the Organizations HAI, Rosalina Butao and Dennise de Pascale
Collaborative Nurses Leading the Way to Quality & Safety Improvement Utilizing a Home-grown Mock Survey - "Continuous Readiness Rounds" (CRR), Rosalina Butao, Eva Mitra, Gen Crespo, Christina Fontaine, and Alex Duarte
Quiet Time: Improving Post-Partum Patient Experience, Jennifer Canales
Advocacy and Collaboration for New Evidence-based Initiative Improves Breastfeeding Rate, Jennifer Canales, Betty Drago, and Alisha Gaffoor
Using an Evidence-based Practice Tool to Improve Surgical Wound Classification, Claudia A. Chanes and Aixa Esteve-Paz
Improving ED Throughput: Role of Dashboard RN, Haydee Fernandez, Marisel Perigo, Stephanie Ulloa, and Diane Rivero
Improving ED Throughput: Role of Dashboard RN, Haydee Fernandez, Marisel Perigo, Stephanie Ulloa, and Diane Rivero
Senior Nurse Leaders Leverage Technology to Improve Patient Experience, Jessica Hucey Nua and Nerlande Joseph
PATH (Preparing and Teaching Health Professionals) for Health Equity, Melissa Parlade, Seema Chandra, JoVonnda Chresfield, Victoria McCue, Lorena Bonilla, Sophia Malary-Carter, Anna Maria Patino-Fernandez, Margaret Godet, Deepa Sharma, and Agueda Hernandez
Purposeful HAPPPPI-ness Improves Patient Experience, Dhanya Paul and Lizette Gonzalez
Increase Sense of Ownership to Decrease Patient Falls, Dhanya Paul and Meghan Sharkey
Increase Sense of Ownership to Decrease Patient Falls, Dhanya Paul, Meghan Sharkey, and Mariosis Matias
Constructive Accountability Improves Patient Outcomes in the Emergency Department, Marisel Perigo
Reducing Emergency Department Patient Falls through Ownership and Drills, Marisel Perigo, Wanda Rodriguez, Alexander Alpizar, Virginia Valenzuela, and Gaby Fontela
Effective Discharge Teaching Impacts Patient Experience, Suzanne Rodriguez and Blessy Varghese
Effective Discharge Teaching Impacts Patient Experience, Suzanne Rodriguez and Blessy Varghese
Taking a Big Step to Shorten LOS: Expediting Patient Recovery Utilizing B.M.A.T., Sandra Torres, Angela Ramirez, Nicole Boswell, Sigrid Somarriba, Kristine Aguinaldo, Natalie Bermudez, and Simone Cheong
Submissions from 2022
Surviving COVID-19 Campaign: Just in Time Training & Education, Strengthening Nurses' Resilience & Confidence, Jo Ann Aberilla
Workforce Competencies for Healthcare Quality Professionals: Leading Quality-Driven Healthcare, Mayra Astencio, Maria D. Guiribitey Dorta, Jessenia Alegria, Karessa J. Scott, Maria G. De La Torre, Shelby Austin, Argentina M. Arana, Jonathan Faura, Sebastian Restrepo, Allison E. Yuen-Cortez, and Gabrielle L. Clarkson
Swab Caps and Infection Control, Godfrey Burke Jr, Alexa Julia, Crystal Hernandez Ayala, Milton Koc, and Cynthia Acheampong
NURSES' Leading the Mantra "Gel in & Gel Out": To Decrease the Organizations HAI, Rosalina Butao and Dennise de Pascale
Nurses' Cry: "COVID-19 is Infecting my Wellbeing, Please Talk to Me!", Rosalina Butao and Sandra McLean
Keep Your Eye on the Bundle: Nurse Leaders' Impact on CAUTI and CLASBI Rates, Rosalina Butao, Christina Rodriguez, Victoria Y. McCue, and Andrea Castillo
Evaluating the Efficacy of Virtual Rounds on Hospitalized Stroke Patients during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Andrea Castillo, Victoria McCue, Michelle Smith, Julia Caballero, and Sonia George
Shared Governance: Growing Next Generation of Nurse Leaders, Simone Cheong
Sunflower Award: CNO Organizational Influence Beyond Nursing, Simone Cheong and Sandra McLean
Partner for Excellent Patient Outcomes (PEPO) Rounding, Gen Crespo and Ruth Navarro
Improving ED Throughput: Role of Dashboard RN, Haydee Fernandez, Marisel Perigo, Stephanie Ulloa, and Diane Rivero
Pain Management in Post-Amputee Patients, Genesis Garcia, Kerlina Marcelin, Katiana Desarmes, Jessica Little, and Saint L. Manuel
COVID-19: Innovative Strategies to Support Mental Wellbeing for Frontline Nurses, Victoria McCue and Simone Cheong
Diabetes vs. Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries, Lauren M. Montero, Guerlain Noda, CherryAnn Malou Carbonell, Michelle Gonzalez, Mirta Fraga Rodriguez, Diane Darias, Elizabeth M. Petersheim, Adriana L. Morua, Ivette M. Robles Siwady, Esmeralda Marenco, and Claudia Alvarez Cordero
Improving Sepsis Outcomes, Accountability and Ownership, Daisy Mora and Michelle Smith
Increase Sense of Ownership to Decrease Patient Falls, Dhanya Paul and Meghan Sharkey
Improving Patient throughput: Nurse Leader Advocacy for Discharge Lounge, Christina Rodriguez, Meghan Sharkey, Nerlande Joseph, Kristine Garcia, Carol Del Sol, and Jennifer Gonzalez
Submissions from 2021
Surviving COVID-19 Campaign: Just in Time Training & Education, Strengthening Nurses' Resilience & Confidence, Jo Ann Aberilla
Improving Circulation on STEMI Patients, Deniz Aguero, Paulina Carracedo, Joseph Cordova, Yanice del Valle, Jay Diaz, Maria Fidalgo, Cynthia Medina Perez, Yanna Melo, Jonathan Meneses, Nathalie Quinones, Aimee Sanchez, Alex Sanhueza, Alexandra Thorp, and Cecilia Trueba
Psychological Effects of Covid-19 Isolated Patients, Alexander Baldeon, Kellia Mimy, Melissa Santos, Natalie Solis, Sandra Torres, Briana Archer, Kelly Magaletti, Natalie Nunez, and Priscilla Lazcano
Escape Room: A Competency Validation Approach, Sandra Bastidas, Kelly Delgado, and Meghan E. Sharkey
Exploring the effects of Omnicell disorganization on time management and patient care, Vanessa Bombiella, Briana Brightman, Yulisa Dionicio Vasquez, Jorge Dominguez Horta, Tomesha Duhart, Natalie Dunbar, Nicole Estrada, Sarah Galante, Luisa Gomez, Naillah Hussain, Frances Iturrioz, Kassandra Marichal, Melissa Murray Smith, Romely Ramos, Tiffany Torres, and Emily Vazquez
In the adult Med-Surg COVID19 patients with nasal cannula, venti-mask, or non-rebreathing mask, does the completion of a facial skin assessment every 4 hours as opposed to once a shift, improve preventing device related pressure injuries?, Tessa Brathwaite, Francesca Lanata, Mauricio Zuniga Ibagon, Marie Claudia Moran, Isabel Gonzalez, Michelle Rojas, Minela Del Valle, and Johana Suarez
COVID-19 Surge: Extraordinary Response to Unprecedented Times, Simone Cheong and Kelly Delgado
Prevention of Pressure Ulcers in Elderly Bedridden Patients , Chislon Griffiths, Giselle Hernandez, Greylene Basco, Marjorie Estermine, Kaitlin McWilliams, and Franceska Noel
COVID-19: Innovative Strategies to Support Mental Wellbeing for Frontline Nurses, Victoria Y. McCue and Simone Cheong
Sacral Pressure injuries in bed confined ICU patients, Monica Morales, Alyssa Anteen, Robert Herrero, Beatriz Gonzalez Santos, Mirlyne Charles, Lascelles Kirby III, Brittnee Gonzalez, Moises Heras, Lauren Zorio, Melissa Cuellar, Sophia Belisle, Adriana Martinez, Jess Palumbo, Jackie Moreno, Chloe Gates, Natalie Aguiar, Ryneria Johnson, Carolina Miranda, Alexandra Rivero, Thomas Dwyer, Lais Papa, Annially Estrada, Paul Matos, Gopala Dame, Priscila Acosta, Janessa Ortega, Derrick Bernard, and Sherly Cornelio
Effects of Float Nursing on Patient Care and Safety, Ashley Padilla, Jennifer De La Paz, Aislinn Barrett, Barbara Sosa, Jose Chavez, Rebecca Alonso, Veronica Beaulieu, Nelcy Coimbra, Lliliam Cordero, Selena Delisser, Alex Haslam, Farides Iriarte, Claudia Martinez, Diana Padron, Stephanie Ruiz, Nathalie Zaldivar, Grecia Sierra Banegas, Richard Alpizar, Demi Nardo, and Erica Phillips
Falls Among the Elderly in the Emergency Department, Magen Subirana, Josie Janvier, Alexia Pavlovic, Sisley Perez, Ana Rosell, Shanna LaCroix, Nicole Martinez, Ivana Green, Stephanie Gonzalez, Florencia Royo Correa, Luisa Lira Cano, Georgia Bowman, Angelica Jean-Pierre, Denis Pichardo Gonzalez, Angie Aizpurua, Shivanni Bhagwandeen, Kenvelin Villalta-Portillo, Hannah Stamos, Gabriella Martinez, Ivana Lamboglia, Ivan Urquiza, and Hannah De Marchena
Submissions from 2020
Innovative Strategies to Support Mental Wellbeing, Victoria Y. McCue
Using Meaningful Recognition to Create a Culture of Nursing Excellence - West Kendall Baptist Hospital Case Study, The DAISY Foundation
Submissions from 2019
Advance Directives: Assessing Effectiveness at a Health System, Rose Allen, Tanya Cohn, Christine Edozie, Susan Howard, and Patricia McCrink
Outcomes Comparison of Enculturating Advance Directives Process at a Health System, Rose Allen, Tanya Cohn, Christine Edozie, Susan Howard, and Patricia McCrink
Advance Directives: Effectiveness of a Structured Process for Documented Patient Preferences at a Health System, Rose Allen, Christine Edozie, Tanya Cohn, Susan Howard, and Patricia McCrink
Escape Room: A Competency Validation Approach, Sandra Bastidas, Kelly Delgado, and Meghan Sharkey
Escape Room: A Competency Validation Approach, Sandra Bastidas, Kelly Delgado, and Meghan Sharkey
Impact of educational campaign on the timely initiation of mechanical venous thromboembolism prophylaxis, Angie De La Cruz, Cherylyn Jauregui, Chianta Allen, Ruth Mangana, Yenny Giraldo, and Michelle Smith
Teacher's P.E.T. (Peer Education Team), Meghan Sharkey
Submissions from 2018
Improving IV Site and IV Fluid/Antibiotic End Time Documentation in the Observation Unit, Sheila Alabastro, Claudette Mijares, Maria Santos Lozano, and Daisy Gutierrez
Let the Patient Discharge Follow-Up Call Data Do the Talking!, Chianta Allen, Rosalina Butao, Cherylyn Jauregui, Andres Soto, and Giovanna Vanegas
Let the Patient Discharge Follow-Up Call Data Do the Talking!, Chianta Allen, Rosalina Butao, Cherylyn Jauregui, Andres Soto, and Giovanna Vanegas
Let the Patient Discharge Follow-Up Call Data Do the Talking!, Chianta Allen and Giovanna Vanegas
E-Dates: Enhancing Competency of Novice/Advanced Beginner RNs, Sally Bonet, Kelly Delgado, Sandra Bastidas, and Lizette Gonzalez
E-Dates: Enhancing Competency of Novice/Advanced Beginner RNs, Sally Bonet, Kelly Delgado, Sandra Bastidas, and Lizette Gonzalez
E-Dates: Enhancing Competency of Novice/Advanced Beginner RNs, Sally Bonet, Kelly Delgado, Sandra Bastidas, and Lizette Gonzalez
E-Dates: Enhancing Competency of Novice/Advanced Beginner RNs, Sally Bonet, Lizette Gonzalez, and Kelly Delgado
Proactive Leadership Attention to Outcomes, Jobic Ray Butao
Proactive Leadership Attention to Outcomes, Jobic Ray Butao
Proactive Leadership Attention to Outcomes, Jobic Ray Butao
HAC Your Patients: An Initiative to Decrease Hospital Acquired Conditions, Jobic Ray Butao, Joahna Lausa, and Olivia Cocabo
HAC Your Patients: An Initiative to Decrease Hospital Acquired Conditions, Jobic Ray Butao, Joahna Lausa, and Olivia Cocabo
The Circulating Nurse’s Role in Decreasing Fear to Patient and Designated Family Member Prior to a Surgery Under Anesthesia, Claudia Chanes
The Circulating Nurse's Role in Decreasing Fear to Patient and Designated Family Member Prior to a Surgery Under Anesthesia, Claudia Chanes and Jimmy Cotton
The Circulating Nurse's Role in Decreasing Fear to Patient and Designated Family Member Prior to a Surgery Under Anesthesia, Claudia Chanes and Jimmy Cotton
The Circulating Nurse’s Role in Decreasing Fear to Patient and Designated Family Member Prior to a Surgery under Anesthesia, Claudia Chanes and Jimmy Cotton
Computer-based Stroke Training Effects on Clinical Partner Knowledge Acquisition and Satisfaction, Simone Cheong
Novice Author Gets Tremendous Support, Simone Cheong
The Healthy Hub: Innovative preventive care, Simone Cheong
Relationship of Staff Engagement and Perception of Safety Scores with Patient Outcomes, Simone Cheong, Rosalina Butao, Eva Mitra, Jobic Ray Butao, Itzel De Los Santos, Melvin Rivera, and Meghan Sharkey
Relationship of Staff Engagement and Perception of Safety Scores with Patient Outcomes, Simone Cheong, Rosalina Butao, Eva Mitra, Jobic Ray Butao, Itzel De Los Santos, Melvin Rivera, and Meghan Sharkey
Relationship of Staff Engagement and Perception of Safety Scores with Patient Outcomes, Simone Cheong, Rosalina Butao, Eva Mitra, Jobic Ray Butao, Itzel De Los Santos, Melvin Rivera, and Meghan Sharkey