
Abstract Category: Research

Purpose: To explore clinical nurses’ perception of engagement and patient safety and evaluation of correlation between engagement and perception of patient safety to patient outcomes.

Methods: Exploratory component of clinical nurses’ perceptions of engagement and patient safety involved a nontraditional qualitative descriptive research design with focus group led by staff nurse unit-based practice council chairs and thematic analysis. Correlational component consisted of parametric statistical analysis of National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators (NDNQI) RN Satisfaction scores, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Hospital Survey of Patient Safety Culture scores (PSCS), and patient outcomes data from 2012, 2014, and 2016.

Findings: Findings revealed statistically significant correlated relationships between NDNQI RN satisfaction (reflected in practice environment score (PES) & PSCS (r=0.756, p=0.004); PES & patient falls (r=0.577, p=0.049); and between handoff reports (element of PSCS) & patient falls (r=0.726, p=0.008). Focus group themes include: team building activities, being engaged with patient, teamwork, and being emotionally attached related to engagement; and staffing/assignment, patient care, and teamwork related to safety.

Discussion: Evidence exists of a relationship between higher RN job satisfaction and/or a positive patient safety culture and patient outcomes; but limited studies exist showing a statistically significant relationship. Furthermore, limited studies have been conducted exploring perceptions of nurses and whether there is a relationship between perceptions and actual outcomes. The results of this study show there is statistically significant correlation between RN satisfaction and falls (higher RN satisfaction, lower number of falls); and between handoffs (an element of safety perception) and falls (higher perception of handoffs as important, lower number of falls). The common themes for engagement that transcended across groups were teamwork and being emotionally attached and caring and for safety common theme was staffing, acuity and assignment.

Implications for Practice: By keeping staff engaged and patient safety-centered and focusing on what nurses themselves perceive as elements of staff engagement and patient safety, leaders can potentially positively affect patient outcomes. Having nurses themselves work collaboratively to identify how they affect patient outcomes through a deeper understanding, translates to a stronger safety culture and enhanced patient care.

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Presented At:

2018 West Kendall Baptist Hospital Scholarly Showcase

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Rosalina Butao, MSN, RN, C-FOM

Itzel De los Santos, BSN, RN

Melvin Rivera, RN, CMSRN

Meghan Sharkey, BSN, RN

Open Access

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