
Nursing & Health Sciences Research Journal

About This Journal

General Information

The Nursing & Health Sciences Research Journal is published annually. The types of publications accepted include:

  • Original Research
  • Evidence-Based Practice Projects
  • Quality Improvement Projects
  • Case Studies
  • Viewpoints
  • Letters to the Editor

Article Publishing Charge

Authors are not required to pay a fee to publish their work. This is an open-access journal, meaning that all articles are available to readers immediately upon publication. No subscription is needed to access and download the articles.


Criteria for Authorship: 

All individuals who have made substantial intellectual contributions to the study that forms the basis of the article (including contributions to the research question, study design, analysis, interpretation, and written description) should be credited as authors.

Order of Authorship and Number of Authors:

Authors are responsible for deciding the order in which their names will be listed in the article, as well as determining the total number of authors. Any changes to authorship at any stage of the manuscript review or acceptance must be accompanied by a written request and explanation from all original authors.

Copyright Agreement

All authors are required to sign a Copyright Agreement Form at the time of manuscript submission. This form confirms that the authors have complied with the publishing ethics requirements of the journal and have transferred their copyright to Baptist Health for the published article.

Peer Review Process

  • Every manuscript is submitted through a double-blind peer review process, ensuring that both authors and reviewers remain anonymous throughout.
  • Each manuscript will be reviewed by at least two peer reviewers, in addition to undergoing an editorial review.
  • Most manuscripts require revisions. Authors will receive feedback from reviewers in the form of anonymous comments, along with an editorial decision. Authors are responsible for completing revisions in a timely manner, with deadlines determined by the editor. If an author fails to return the revised manuscript by the due date, the manuscript will be rejected.
  • The final decision on every manuscript rests with the Editor-in-Chief, who will take reviewer comments into account. Copyright infringement and plagiarism are strictly prohibited.
  • The accepted manuscript is the fully peer-reviewed version that has been revised in response to the review process and deemed acceptable for publication.

Use of AI in Scholarly Publication

  • AI-assisted technologies in the writing process should solely be utilized to enhance the readability and language of the work.
  • When traditional and generative AI technologies are employed for writing, revising, or editing any part of a manuscript, authors must disclose the following information in the Acknowledgment section:
    • Name of the AI software platform, program, or tool
    • Version and extension numbers
    • Manufacturer
    • Date(s) of use
    • A brief description of how the AI was used and which portions of the manuscript or content were affected
    • Confirmation that the author(s) takes responsibility for the integrity of the content generated
    • Please note that this policy is applicable only to the writing process and does not extend to the use of AI in research.

Article Correction, Removal, and Retraction

The N&HSRJ adheres to the highest standards in publication ethics. Articles that have been published should remain exact and unaltered. However, if circumstances arise that necessitate corrections, retractions, or removals, the journal editors, in collaboration with the editorial board members and following COPE Core Practices, will take the appropriate action.

Article Correction

A corrigendum should be drafted by all authors and will be linked to the article it corrects.

Article Removal

Articles will be removed if they contain errors, are duplicates of another published article, or violate publication ethics (such as fraudulent data, plagiarism, or ghost authorship). A statement will replace the removed article indicating that it has been withdrawn.

Article Retraction

Articles will be retracted if there is evidence of plagiarism, fabricated results, prior publication, or the inclusion of unauthorized material or data.

Advertising Guidelines

N&HSR does not advertise.